Author Topic: I'm bored, give me your lore questions to answer  (Read 13538 times)

did you ever watch neon genesis evangelion cause I have some questions to ask.

hey what the heck, revelations was the best one

the soundtrack to revelations is objectively the best in the series

see ya on the CWD stream

what happened to the battle droids after they shut down
I'd assume the Empire cleared them out where they needed to and just didn't bother removing the ones in the middle of nowhere.

noble six or master chief

noble six or master chief
the master chief is just big op mary sue "I can do anything" bull, I mean I love the games but jesus
six, on the other hand, everything he did he did with a team. as a player you were practically working alone, yeah, but as a protagonist he is my favorite

what happened to the battle droids after they shut down
When the Droid Shutdown command was sent, the Droids turned off in almost all places. There were a couple battlefronts where people either blocked the signal and continued fighting, or repurposed the droids for their own ends. For the most part though, there was no "clean-up" operation. Scavengers took the droids for parts, while others are still left abandoned in parts of the galaxy.

did you ever watch neon genesis evangelion cause I have some questions to ask.
The original series, the two epilogue movies and all of the current Rebuild Movies.

hey what the heck, revelations was the best one
Revelations was buggy, included completely unnecessary and tedious features (looking at you, Tower Defense minigame) and didn't even attempt to fix the problems in Brotherhood's combat system. The story and soundtrack were pretty good, but come on lads...

noble six or master chief
Chief is a SPARTAN II. He was stolen as a child, and for most of his life spent time being injected with hardcore space steroids, hit the gym, ran combat scenarios and intensely studied all the known secrets of the universe. He's an 8-foot tall walking tank, and he was selected for the one trait that keeps him going when no other SPARTAN can; Luck.

Six is a fantastic shell for the player, but it even applied to his/her backstory ("this would explain all the black ink"). The IIIs were taken in already experienced, given lesser enhancements and were basically just shoddy super soldiers as opposed to heroes.

Six is more fun to play as thanks to Reach's gameplay enhancements and the fact you get to dress him/her up with your own customisations, but Chief is better from a story perspective.

do halo 4
I tell you what, I'll do a full critique in the Game Design topic one day.

How do you think Halo 6 is gonna go down?

what do you think about drowning

How do you think Halo 6 is gonna go down?
I think Microsoft and 343 are going to continue misjudging their audiences and produce a half-decent game which doesn't satisfy what the people want and so it gets dragged down like the last two.

what do you think about drowning
Probably the way to go that I'm most afraid of.

what happened after russia nuked usa in hotline miami 2

where does chell go after portal 2?

is Eli Vance kill?

is Eli Vance kill?
Is there supposed to be some kind of debate here? I mean, you only see him get killed right in front of you. Not a whole lotta ways to get out of that one.

is goofys death canon?