
What to name?

Generic Sandbox Game
12 (13%)
Land of Dran
40 (43.5%)
Something else "block" related
15 (16.3%)
Block Party
25 (27.2%)

Total Members Voted: 92

Author Topic: Land of Dran  (Read 33350 times)

Other content:
Very early multiplayer test
Early emitter/player test.

Current features:
  • Fully standalone server and client for hosting your own servers
  • Server-side Lua integration and the ability to create add-ons
  • Server updates client-side files automatically
  • The ability to create emitter types and place emitters of various types
  • The ability to choose a BMP heightmap of any size as the terrain
  • Full support for creating 'physics objects' from wavefront objects as well as the ability to supply a separate collision mesh
  • Mirrors and render-to-texture
  • Binary file I/O is possible from add-ons
  • Can make it so players/objects have different colors/opacities when viewed by different players
  • Uses the Bullet Physics engine
  • Has modable shaders

The script for the default emitter as an example of an add-on:

Example physics object implementation and chat-eval script:

Older video:
(October 19th)

Webm of player animations:
(October 22nd)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2018, 01:53:14 AM by DrenDran »

looks good except for the no man's sky fov

looks good except for the no man's sky fov
Does that mean it's high or low?
Besides, it's not like you won't be able to change it?

Does that mean it's high or low?
Besides, it's not like you won't be able to change it?
nms fov means it's low as stuff

the game just screams pre-2000s lego game

the game just screams pre-2000s lego game
More like 2007 lego game lel

Nah, but the graphics can be improved over time. Not only can users edit the shaders (probably with add-ons as well) but I plan to add things like dynamic shadows in the future. If you saw screenshots from my last game you'll know that adding even just a few trees and some model animations can make it look a lot more modern.

Top 10 anime battles: Generic Sandbox Game vs Blockland-Inspired Project

wow man i cant believe youd rip off lego creator like that

Would anyone be interested in trying to help test by either hosting a server or getting the client?

I would totally would like to help test

i would also love to test out the client

I can host a dedicated server because I have a VPS. So I can surely test it out!