Author Topic: Oldest addon you've ever seen?  (Read 2415 times)

Whether it be a vehicle, playertype, or a brickpack, just say (or show a picture) of the oldest addon you've seen!

event_setPlayerTransform or the Duplicator

duplorcator is for pussies

only real brothers remember the assault rifle

Amade's bot events
First addon I ever got

only real brothers remember the assault rifle
This assault rifle?

My first addon was Modern Weapons Pack. I think its still in rtb archives

2D Player in v8. I remember trying to install it and I ended up with a screwed up 2d player entry in the create minigame gui that didn't work. Keep in mind that I was a little kid and this was before v9's simple zip file add-on format.

Another oldie that I remember is the mario winged cap.

these obviously aren't the oldest ever but they're quite damn old

(these two totally count becuase they were packaged as maps at the time)

I saw some Taser add-on misspelt "Tazer" with a model that doesn't fit in hands, It was from like 2009 or earlier I'm pretty sure.

Pretty sure that green dup thing.

these obviously aren't the oldest ever but they're quite damn old

Oh god, someone has a screenshot of the old events, doors, AND portals.

Probably not oldest but one I remember most would be Trader's bot defense system.