Author Topic: Las Vegas Police Investigating Shooting at Mandalay Bay Casino  (Read 34487 times)

also because everyone was lying down nobody could actually leave without stepping over other people and causing a stampede. instead they all clumped together on the floor, like a school of fish

RIP the 50+ people who are now dead

ffs, don't lay down in urban combat. you drop when you know your surroundings e.g. tall grass, bushes and uneven ground will conceal you, not when you're in a flat, open area. you gotta find cover to drop behind in that case, bc otherwise all you're doing is reducing your mobility
I honestly feel like most people would know to do something like that but are just in shock of what is happening and can't get a clear idea in their head what to do.

During incidents like these remember this.

ffs, don't lay down in urban combat. you drop when you know your surroundings e.g. tall grass, bushes and uneven ground will conceal you, not when you're in a flat, open area. you gotta find cover to drop behind in that case, bc otherwise all you're doing is reducing your mobility
this completely
52 dead so far

they probably thought the shooter was on the same level as them height-wise. what they did was correct, but in that situation the shooter happened to be on the 32nd loving floor

only in america can you have the deadliest massacre in 150 years and nobody calls it terrorism unless the dude is brown

only in america can you have the deadliest massacre in 150 years and nobody calls it terrorism unless the dude is brown
this honestly

only in america can you have the deadliest massacre in 150 years and nobody calls it terrorism unless the dude is brown
who tf saying it's not terrorism?

Hell, at least we don't have to import our terrorism anymore. :cookieMonster:

who tf saying it's not terrorism?
i didn't see any news source, left or right, report it as terrorism until after nevada had officially decreed it as so
this is much worse than every time something has been immediately called out as terrorism because it's so blatantly obvious
for that matter nobody in this thread has uttered that word yet so

who tf saying it's not terrorism?
Pretty much everyone, and I can prove it.

Here's the search results from the term 'las vegas', now that we know the identity of the perpetrator:
(9 instances of 'shooting', 0 instances of 'terrorism/terrorist/etc')
(click to expand)

And here's the search results from the term 'San Bernardino', in the days after the massacre when the identities of the perpetrators were released:
(5 instances of 'shooting', 6 instances of 'terrorism/terrorist/etc'

For context: the San Bernardino attack was 4x less deadly than today's attack. The only use of the word 'terrorism' in modern media is a dog-whistle term for 'Muslim-perpetrated crime'. The same standards are provably not applied to whites committing the same or greater atrocities.

shooting a lot of people does not a terrorist attack make

if we knew more about this guy's motives then that might change but otherwise we're going to (((reserve judgment)))

oh haha you meant media yea forget them
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 09:29:09 AM by Tactical Nuke »

i figured you meant actual people. that's just how media works. you can't expect any less from them.

shooting a lot of people does not a terrorist attack make
This is a good point. It's a well known fact that being gunned down in a crowd of people only induces terror when committed by certain ethnic groups. Victims at the scene reported, "bodily harm, pain, and blood loss, sure, but not necessarily 'terror' tbh'.

While I do agree with you to an extent, I don't agree with using that as a valid example. With the amount of variables at play, drawing any meaningful conclusion from that is impossible.

At the time of your post, only the name of the shooter and a possible person of interest have been released. In the days after the San Bernardino attack, a clear link between the shooters and a terrorist organization had been established.

That being said, I completely agree that there is bias at play regarding how the more 'conventional' and the less 'conventional' terrorist attacks are defined.

Edit: It has also not been confirmed that this attack was politically/religiously motivated. So if a media outlet would call this terrorism, they would actually be biased.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2017, 09:33:51 AM by Dannu »