
Would you like a card system like this in Blockland?

Yea, pass me a hand and let's get rollin'!
24 (96%)
Nay, I think I'll pass on this round boys.
1 (4%)

Total Members Voted: 25

Author Topic: Card Add-on for Blockland  (Read 5122 times)


Hello, one and all! Welcome again to the world of, 'RobotSpark asks for something for VibrantColours' Wild West RP!'

You may be wondering what I'm asking for this time, and it's about a card system in Blockland. Vibrant and I have given it a bit of thought (NOTE: We can't make add-ons) about how it would work well for our Wild West RP. Well, this idea set is hopefully possible to make in Blockland.

So, the idea is simple. There is a deck brick and a matching discard brick which, when wrenched, has a bunch of parameters you can set (the name for the matching discard brick, how many cards in general or a more advanced list of authorised cards with how many of each there are in the deck) to prepare for a certain game (e.g. the game 'Pairs' calls for one ace, two two's, three three's and so on). When this brick is clicked by a player, they gain a item in their drop-down bar (with your hammer and whatnot) showing them what card they got.

This item stacks cards on top of each other, to a maximum of 7, allowing for a proper hand of cards. There could be a variety of commands for each of the cards:

-Standing/walking/jetting/anything other than sitting puts the cards in a neat pile in your hand, where no one can see them. In order to view your cards, you must /sit.
-Holding shift while sitting puts the hand to your chest if you suspect of anyone peeking (did I mention that, probably due to the way items work in BL, other players can see your cards if they stand behind you?).

-Using the brick-shift keys while sitting highlights cards. Pressing numPad Enter keeps that card selected. Clicking while you have at least one card selected via numPad Enter turns that card around and hides the others, showing all of the other players your selected cards.
-Clicking again while showing cards returns you to the normal card selection.

-Clicking the discard brick while showing cards will discard those cards.

When the deck is empty, all of the cards in the discard will be shuffled back into the deck. An optional chip system would also be nice, like towers you can place as bricks on the table or something? This chip system is just an idea too.

So there you have it, our idea for a functional card system. Granted, it does sound very complex to make, but I'm sure someone out there will be willing to suffer give it a shot! I would include a badass picture of Vibrant and I sitting at a poker table, but god damn are inserting pictures hard.

Yes... I'm lazy.

Though we've decided to include several card games for our WIP Wild West RP. We're working on including such games as 'Blackjack', 'Texas Hold-Em Poker', and 'Faro' to name a few.
It would be really nice and immersive if we could have some form of card system to work with our tables.

Look at those poor people, no cards to play... How will they be able to pass the time in the Wicky Wild Wild West?

- Vibe

i think jamjar n antj did something similar someday

i think jamjar n antj did something similar someday
Any links would be appreciated.

jamjar uses wrench events to do his thing. i was working on a card game mod that actually put cards in your hand recently, until i dropped development and started working on prison break again.

if i can get a full set of textures for the cards i can probably finish it in a day or two. it wouldnt have rules assigned to it, rather, just a mod that allows you to shuffle, draw, deal, pick up, and place cards

jamjar uses wrench events to do his thing. i was working on a card game mod that actually put cards in your hand recently, until i dropped development and started working on prison break again.

if i can get a full set of textures for the cards i can probably finish it in a day or two. it wouldnt have rules assigned to it, rather, just a mod that allows you to shuffle, draw, deal, pick up, and place cards
Wow, both of my requests have actually been somewhat fulfilled. First the guns, and now this (well, hopefully this at least). What resolution and image type works best? I'm sure there's something I can whip up or someone I can find to whip a deck up.

i need 52 card textures that are 5x7 card ratio, named with the following format:
s/d/c/h + _ + # from 1-13
ex: s_13 is king of spades, d_1 is ace of diamonds

i need 52 card textures that are 5x7 card ratio, named with the following format:
s/d/c/h + _ + # from 1-13
ex: s_13 is king of spades, d_1 is ace of diamonds
Making jpg's in paint at a resolution of 50x70, hope this works. Starting with the diamonds suit.

Diamonds suit finished, my favourite is the seven.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2017, 04:37:06 AM by RobotSpark »

Thats really cool
Vielen dank. Also, hearts are done, but I can't be assed to post them all right now. Hopefully when Conan makes the cards thing and if he publishes it, he can put them there. Or, alternatively, I could get off of my fat ass and do it myself later...

ah stuff i came toolate to tell you to use png. jpg is lossy and introduces noise, plus isnt compatible with BL anyways

in addition, skip the borders. if you see a picture of my cards you can note that the corners of the cards are cut slightly and so your tex borders will just look weird

double post since i figure youd like to see where i left off at
more tease

also S K I D is doing some textures for me so if you dont want to fix the ones you have, thats totally fine. thanks skid!!

Ah forget, look at what I just HAD to find now...and only 5 cards away from completing MY deck.


got some tex from S K I D, i'll try to finish the mod this weekend.