CashMod Storages

Author Topic: CashMod Storages  (Read 1134 times)
Does anyone have this mod? Its very important for my server.
The download link is broken...

from what I've heard, the cashMod is buggy and has issues. It's also old an outdated and doesn't have a whole lot of features.

Have you tried Simple Server Currency? It has the flexibility to change currency name and values, and includes events and items

Yes. For a time, it was the best mod. But it doesn't have a bank... soo....

Yes. For a time, it was the best mod. But it doesn't have a bank... soo....
You can make a banking system with VCE for now - I have been meaning to update the mod to add a sort of bank feature, but the topic is too old...I might have to ask baddy for a generous bump or just make a new topic entirely

from what I've heard, the cashMod is buggy and has issues. It's also old an outdated and doesn't have a whole lot of features.
Also, as far as I’ve seen, cashmod III is the only money system with a bank. And there are NO bugs in VIII that I’ve seen.

Technically, Simple Server Currency doesn't need a bank system because it saves player cash when they leave the server. All you have to do is enable Script_Player_Persistence and Support_Player_Persistence. But, if you still want a "bank" (like an ATM or a Bank building) you can use VCE and 2 bricks:

Deposit button would look something like this

Here is a withdrawal button: withdrawals cost 4 dollars per transaction

In the above example, I paired it with promptEvents, and made it save/load items also

Sweet. Thanks, ill guess ill just use that...

Code: [Select]
// ============================================= //
//    Cash Mod by Clockturn                      //
//  Credits:                                     //
//   NiXiLL - Teaching me to script, basically   //
//   Iban   - I kinda used his drop cash stuff.  //
//              Shh. Nobody tell him.            //
//   Darren - Nagging me to make it so I did     //
// ============================================= //

$Cash::Currency = "$";
$Cash::CurrencyBefore = 1;
$Cash::CurrencyColor = "007700";
$Cash::CurrencyItemColor = "0 0.6 0 1";
$Cash::CurrencyName = "Cash";
$Cash::DefaultBank = 100;
$Cash::DefaultCash = 50;
$Cash::DropOnDeath = 15;
$Cash::MaxDrop = 1000;
$Cash::SaveTime = 5;
$Cash::SaveIncome = 20;
$Cash::SaveInterest = 1;
$Cash::BrickCostPerVolume = 0;
Also, Cashmod V3 is fully intractable. The money symbol and income.