Author Topic: Blade Runner 2049 thoughts  (Read 2377 times)

My post doesn't have any spoilers, but the comments might.

Anyone seen it? I saw it tonight and loved it. Really slow pacing but it wasn't boring at all. The shots were beautiful and it might honestly be the best looking live-action film I've ever seen. The atmosphere was incredible, from the apartments to the cityscapes to the giant solar farms and ruins of Las Vegas, the entire movie felt incredibly real and chilling. Just the vast scale of every shot really blew me away. The city-sized landfill was incredible and the inclusion of LA and LV landmarks scattered throughout the background were clever nods.

Anyway I loved the plot. K's development was incredible and I'm really glad they didn't go with the obvious 'twist' (highlight for spoilers) [ (K being Decker's son) ] and instead flipped what I expected on it's head. The ending was really satisfying and all of the performances were incredible. My favorite scenes were those of him exploring the city (like talking to the giant naked pink girl and thinking about whether Joi is real or not) and visiting that crazy glass-wall brothel. The love scene with the women merging together was crazy and the awkward performances really made it feel genuine.

Only think I didn't understand was (highlight for spoilers) [ (why did Stelline implant K with her memories? Was it to make him find her father or to give the Replicants human emotions [because we learned real memories cause synths to develop emotions, thus why they are illegal]) ] but there are so many possible explanations and the movie was so consistently brilliant that I assume it must have been explained somewhere. Anyway, it's rare that a sequel lives up to the original, and even rarer that it exceeds it.

This movie is more emotional, less boring, and more visually appealing than the original Blade Runner. They took everything the original did and somehow made it more generally appealing while still being brilliant and faithful. Anyway, phenomenal film. 9/10 overall, 10/10 visuals.

holy forget your title

does it still have han solo in it

was ur title alright dude

also yeah i liked it i probably hold it to the same regard as i do the original
obv absolutely stunning visuals
dunno how i feel about the movie making decker super important though

does it still have han solo in it
no of course not  he died

Blade Runner 2049 thoughtsjavascript:surroundText('',%20'',%20document.
What did he mean by this?

McZealot is a replicant and is attempting to bring down these forums before it's caught.

That's what happens if you drag and drop the monospace font button into the text box. You get:

McZealot is a replicant and is attempting to bring down these forums before it's caught.

Thank you! very much!  :cookieMonster:
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Saw it yesterday and was a piece of cinematic perfection. 2nd favorite film of the year so far.

saw it on friday with my girlfriend

honestly one of the best movies I've seen

I love movies that are set in futurepunk/sci-fi punk (what is the actual name of that? Someone correct me please) environments, I might give this movie a try it sounds really good.

I love movies that are set in futurepunk/sci-fi punk (what is the actual name of that? Someone correct me please) environments, I might give this movie a try it sounds really good.

The genre is Cyberpunk, which usually involves advanced tech and corrupt govts/lack of freedom/corruption/conspiracy.

I have not seen any trailer or read any review, but how is Harrison Ford's role? Is he shoehorned in just for fans of the original film?