Author Topic: Blade Runner 2049 thoughts  (Read 2361 times)

am i the only person who thinks the movie was overblown?
like it was good at first but the more i look back on it the more it seems to be full of plot holes.
what the forget was the point of the antagonist? or the scene with the bees?

am i the only person who thinks the movie was overblown?
like it was good at first but the more i look back on it the more it seems to be full of plot holes.
what the forget was the point of the antagonist? or the scene with the bees?

The town was supposed to be irradiated by all reports. Bees couldn't possibly live in that environment. K found out, by going there, that the radiation was actually nominal. And Decker was harvesting honey from those bees, that are alive. Not dead.

Yea, I took it as that flower he picked up being the grave of Rachel.

I thought it was great, tbh.  cinematography was on point.  allegedly, they didn't even use a lot of green screen, most of the obvious shots were using practical effects, which is cool.

at some times I felt the music was a little overwhelming though, it made my seat rattle in the theater.  that could just be whoever did the sound mixing for that particular theater, however.

Nice storyNice charsNice dogNice tittyNice actionNice graphics
I score 9 sony ads out of 10 glass whore houses

Yea, I took it as that flower he picked up being the grave of Rachel.

That wasn't brought up but yes, it was. Rachel was the mother to the replicant child, but died in childbirth and needed a c-section. Her bones were put into that box and buried beneath.

Even within 2 hours and 43 minutes, it felt a little too compact. It should have either been stretched out more or had some tangents removed - then it would be near flawless. Amazing movie nonetheless.

how cyberpunk is it

The visual and sound design in the movie were nothing short of top notch, and well within the acceptable parameters of being able to be called a Blade Runner sequel.

Even within 2 hours and 43 minutes, it felt a little too compact. It should have either been stretched out more or had some tangents removed - then it would be near flawless. Amazing movie nonetheless.

I think they're setting up for another sequel. Either that or they're letting it be open ended like the original was.

Yea, I was a little bummed Wallace didn't die or play a bigger role in the ending. Maybe it would be too unrealistic for the sociopath businessman to actually get in a fight with K but it felt like he just kinda dropped out of the movie and didn't come back for the end.

I think they're setting up for another sequel. Either that or they're letting it be open ended like the original was.
I want to say that they shouldn't make another one, but before 2049 was made, I considered the original Blade Runner to be perfect on its own. So if they can manage to pull off a sequel like this, I guess a third film would be feasible (with the right people of course).

the animated short was nice too

the animated short was nice too

Wouldn't expect less from Shinichiro Watanabe

Wouldn't expect less from Shinichiro Watanabe
he seems to have an obsession with dramatic bird flying away symbolism