Author Topic: Playing around with wireframe  (Read 2575 times)

Subway by TheGeek

Mote's Moon loaded inside someone's town.

O.O Wow howd'a do that (i'm not aquanted with BL

has this been edited in any way, or did you actually do this in bl??!!

I would guess edited but seems like it would take a while.

first one is edited. But wireframe(); is possible.

Tried it but it said it was unable to find function wireframe

Both of them were edited.

GLEnableOutline(true); I got the command from ResonanceCascade. I was using it in my mapping tutorial (I'm adding in a section about portals, those things that make the inside of the bed lag less when there are tons of bricks outside) and thought it might be fun to make a few pictures while I was at it.

first one looks lie a modern asassins creed a bit :P

I love how you overlapped the first picture, it looks pwnsome.

lol thats awesome

How2make wireframe? :D

If you were being serious.

Both of them were edited.

GLEnableOutline(true); I got the command from ResonanceCascade. I was using it in my mapping tutorial (I'm adding in a section about portals, those things that make the inside of the bed lag less when there are tons of bricks outside) and thought it might be fun to make a few pictures while I was at it.

when you are standing in the bedroom in wireframe, if you turn on your player light, you can see the carpet

Yeah, it's a pretty neat effect.  Perhaps it could be used for "fx shots" in machinima.