Author Topic: dumb rant: shadman  (Read 28631 times)

I bet all the swedish migrants saw shadman research and THEN decided they were the type who rape children

is that the best you can come up with

Don't have to come up with anything, tbh.

is that the best you can come up with

Leagues better than calling you a creep ngl

Reading comprehension is an elementary school skill

You would know alot about elementary school students

You would know alot about elementary school students

Yeah I was a kid once

Leagues better than calling you a creep ngl

i'm not a creep.........

i never wanted to see that

i'm not a creep.........

You sure? You're pretty hot on your guns with the accusation game. I'd wager you're projecting, since only a child enthusiast would make the logical leap from defending shadman's art to actively being a child predator.

Vigil is, at worst here, just misguided and sort of a dork. Takes a special person to derail a thread just to dog on somebody...

You sure? You're pretty hot on your guns with the accusation game. I'd wager you're projecting, since only a child enthusiast would make the logical leap from defending shadman's art to actively being a child predator.

ok dude you got me just don't look in my basement

Vigil is, at worst here, just misguided and sort of a dork.


How'd you know?...

paper on virtual child research, AKA what shadman's drawing

in short, child enthusiasts have been proven to take cartoon characters the child recognizes and put them in situations involving love in order to groom the child into being able to do the same to them

I thought the link between cartoon child research and actual child enthusiasm was obvious, but apparently not

It's on your nametag


paper on virtual child research, AKA what shadman's drawing

in short, child enthusiasts have been proven to take cartoon characters the child recognizes and put them in situations involving love in order to groom the child into being able to do the same to them

I thought the link between cartoon child research and actual child enthusiasm was obvious, but apparently not

This was literally zero part of the argument except what you brought up, but I never disagreed to this.

Some people like Vigil are just child lovers. Get over it.