what in the almighty name of forget is this thing i found in my bathtub

Author Topic: what in the almighty name of forget is this thing i found in my bathtub  (Read 12769 times)

oh that's little tim. hope he's not bothering you

it's a silverfish bro. theyre really common in florida. find these in my bathtub all the time when i go to take a shower. its normal.
another reason to kill all florida brothers

did you just interrupt him while he was taking his shower?
how rude.

How big is it

That's kinda an important detail and I'm surprised no one else has thought of that

put him in one of those plastic cricket carriers and give him a home

then let us decide what his name (the boy) will be
« Last Edit: October 17, 2017, 12:00:32 PM by kongo »

I assumed finger length

How big is it

That's kinda an important detail and I'm surprised no one else has thought of that
i suppose you ask that question often

its funny because my bathtub was clogged, and I was taking a shower and a loving frog jumped from the drain and made me trip my ass out of the shower lol

whenever my pool gets full of algae it becomes a breeding ground for tiny protozoa and shrimpy looking things
and also those cute water skeeters

I'll legit give you $5 to vore that critter

How big is it

That's kinda an important detail and I'm surprised no one else has thought of that
oh, about the size of my foot

its a trilobite/silverfish
just kill it