Author Topic: Windows should have....what feature?  (Read 6348 times)

it does? you can even open a folder, ctrl-x, then close the folder and open a different one to paste in. clipboard just works that way
I think he means selected files in all folders you have open, not just the ones you have selected in the current window, at the time you press the cut shortcut.

oh, i guess that makes sense, yeah

I think he means selected files in all folders you have open, not just the ones you have selected in the current window, at the time you press the cut shortcut.
Yeah. it would help alot when transferring data from different file locations to a storage device

Windows should have a feature in which Windows reverts back to Windows Visa.

Windows should have a feature in which Windows reverts back to Windows Visa.
woah dude whats this windows visa i've never heard about?

woah dude whats this windows visa i've never heard about?
it's the version of windows they use in ATMs of course, and also the one hackers use to steel your credit card info

A feature to filter out handicapped reviews on Steam that bitch about how Blockland has no interiors and terrains, completely disregarding B4v21 or even the Static Maps.

A feature to filter out handicapped reviews on Steam that bitch about how Blockland has no interiors and terrains, completely disregarding B4v21 or even the Static Maps.
>steam users cant use b4v21
>static maps has too huge limitations to be a viable alternative

windows should have a feature that detects potato computers trying to run modern games and it sends a giant hand to slap you endlessly until the game closes.

What I mean is something like this:

I was able to resize the window without grabbing the border, and able to move it without grabbing the title-bar. This was because I held down a key I assigned (windows key in this case).

It would be nice if Windows had such a feature.

Papirus icons! Me likey