Author Topic: Windows should have....what feature?  (Read 6957 times)

Window should hav.
Why do it not hav?

I wasn't aware of that, I will keep this is mind for now on. Sorry Badspot ):
We tried to tell you, actually.

"Windows should have...." is a pretty ambiguous clickbaity topic title

And you even realized that you were wrong.

Oh, I see a few of those then

Hence why Badspot said

Other people doing it does not make it ok.

So yes. You were aware of it.

thats just the THC kicking in

windows should vaccinate your children so OP doesn't have the choice

7zip adds compressing both as zip and 7z to the context menu as well as other things like checksums

We tried to tell you, actually.

And you even realized that you were wrong.

So yes. You were aware of it.
I was under the impression that ambiguous meant
Quote from: Dictionary
1. open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning
2. unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not been made.
ex) "the question is rather ambiguous"
So no, I wasn't aware of it. I guess "cliff-hanger" titles count as "ambiguous" because most of them are not "specifically clear" on what the topic actually is. In this case, I thought the title was accurate enough for people to understand that it was a "Windows should have what feature?" sort of forum opinion/game. I was wrong, as Badspot recently pointed out; although I wonder if Badspot would have allowed it if I were to post it to the Forum Games instead. Furthermore, I apologized so can we just get over it?

windows should vaccinate your children so OP doesn't have the choice
Do you really gotta come over here and be a jerk? Leave my loving kids out of it you creep

7zip adds compressing both as zip and 7z to the context menu as well as other things like checksums
I know the context menu is there. I want a keybind that zips files for fasterness

he's saying he wants a keybind to speed up the process of sending a bunch of files into the same .zip and even pointed out how he thought the process of doing that was annoying to him
Someone actually read the OP. Thank you


Windows should have a better way of locking desktop icons. Even with auto-arrange icons disabled, the icons still get jumbled up sometimes

windows should vaccinate your children so OP doesn't have the choice

Yeah windows, and probably all operating systems on the market, should have a feature where you're not allowed to use a computer if you refuse to vaccinate your children. If you wanna be a dark-ages dumbass you should be forced to live like one as well

is this supposed to be a a complaint about the thread or what? at what point did someone even make a far-fetched suggestion? as far as i can tell this was just supposed to be a little thread full of little suggestions that weren't really supposed to look like big complaints or were in other operating systems, the worse thing this thread had was an ambiguous title. i'm assuming my post is covered under 'LOOK NICE', the forget is wrong with what i said lmao i just suggested what windows had built into it that got removed in 8 & above and something else that i thought would be neat that's already easily replicable with third party stuff

no need to get worked up and throw autism in a thread consisting of people just putting their own two cents

1- i saw this thread after having a convo on a discord server about people who whine about everything relating to windows, and i was in that mindset

2- this thread isn't exactly JPL. stuff like removal of monitoring software, a return of old features, and a desire for better file management tools are not new suggestions and the shillords at microsoft have already made up their minds by now

3- op takes himself too seriously and i was ribbing him

4- my posts weren't exactly a personal attack on you, so
no need to get worked up and throw autism

let's say you're, i dont know, new to windows
you click and drag and this happens

whats easier to do?


sorry for the stuffty 2 minute sharex edit job.

Now, assuming the user isnt sending files over the internet, is not testing anything with anything that needs zip files nor are they making huge strides in not being able to hover over the "Send to" button after pressing right click after selecting things, the top one would be more obvious and would actually TEACH YOU how to use it. Chances are you only know that you should do this to the thing you're doing it to because some tutorial told you.

Code: ( [Select]
#IfWinActive ahk_class CabinetWClass ; Only run AutoHotkey script when Windows explorer has the focus
z::                     ; Keyboard shortcut z
Send, {AppsKey}         ; Press the "context menu" key
Sleep 100
Send n                  ; Select "Send to" with the "n" key
Sleep 100
Send {Right}            ; Open "Sent to" with the "right arrow" key
Sleep 100
Send {Down}             ; Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "arrow down" key
Sleep 100
Send {Enter}            ; Execute "Compressed (zipped) folder" with the "Enter" key

AHK script found online, the 100ms sleep is pretty huge imo it would be fine with like 20.

windows should have a built in blockland

Windows should let you ctrl+x (cut) files from folders in the background too, instead of just the folder you have in the front (active) window

Windows should let you ctrl+x (cut) files from folders in the background too, instead of just the folder you have in the front (active) window

it does? you can even open a folder, ctrl-x, then close the folder and open a different one to paste in. clipboard just works that way