Author Topic: sell the user above you  (Read 10895 times)

this lad likes legos dinos and puns
he's in high demand but i'll let ya have him for a whole 30% off!!

augh u guys r too fast slo down

definitely not a spy only $15!!
its a plant bird, what more could you want in life

only $95.95!

its pretty average so only $5

registered to have entered and been instituted on the day of 2007 april 1
and hes a maniac!!1! coole!!
maniac fee!!:300$
actual price:600$
very very easy to get mad!!!
be careful!!

heavily used, dry clean only, do not drop, do not turn sideways, do not spin

highly volatile explosive, $29.99 + $99.99 shipping and handling

hes from splatoon. he is a collectible. buy that crap up quick
only available at these fine retailers

ill pay you to take this off my hands

threatened to be chewed glaceon that will gladly take fox man off their hands to you

have a dog to disperse the emptiness in your heart

please take it

Now you can have your own personal disfigured human being for not 200, not 100, but 50 dollars. THATS RIGHT, fifty dollars, no more no less.

Its a "I Don't loving Know!" for free!

army figure toy whatever

you can have this genetic abomination if you give me a box set of the fresh prince of bel-air

I'll sell you this mysterious cat if you give me a mechanical keyboard.

Squid Idol for 99.99 Dollars.
(Call now to receive another, ABSOLUTELY FREE!)