Author Topic: hey i have 20000 posts now neat!!  (Read 2451 times)

what are you, bird sock puppet man

i've been having cereal for dinner for the past 3 days am i going wrong

quantity over quality.  every time.

quantity over quality.  every time.
my posts are all high-quality deluxe luxury artisan posts

my posts have low content and are full of stuff like a nice warm bud lite

quantity over quality.  every time.
except stuffposting, good stuffpost better than lots of bad

except stuffposting, good stuffpost better than lots of bad

what are you, bird sock puppet man
parrot grass the bird plant of course! :>
i've been having cereal for dinner for the past 3 days am i going wrong
sir the night discussion topic is next door
except stuffposting, good stuffpost better than lots of bad