Author Topic: "Ana" ARG thread  (Read 114424 times)

Here's the binary sequences.
Code: [Select]
1:  000000010000010000000
2:  011111011010110111110
3:  010001011001110100010
4:  010001011000110100010
5:  010001011101010100010
6:  011111011110010111110
7:  000000010101010000000
8:  111111110000011111111
9:  001001011001010111110
10: 110111101101011110001
11: 111110011011110110000
12: 100100101100111101000
13: 101011000101100000000
14: 111111110110011001001
15: 000000011001000101101
16: 011111011010001000010
17: 010001010100010100111
18: 010001010000011110111
19: 010001011111110101000
20: 011111010001100010000
21: 000000010110111100111
Had to use a strip of paper with marking on it to make sure I was ascertaining the widths correctly, lol. I'll try lining them up and converting them to ASCII.

Could go either way. Would need more evidence. How would a GIF of a richard be in any way similar to the COVER PAGE picture?

I think we should also look into PumpkinMan57's (5 days being how long ago the road picture was posted)
yeah who tf are you mister person who registered 5 days ago and made their first post here
Connections ensue

I got this wierd crap when i tried lmao }EEE}T%Xf   

Connections ensue

This is a tad odd.

Anyway... I lines the binary up. Here is is:

00000001000001000000001111101 10101101111100100010110011101 00010010001011000110100010010 00101110101010001001111101111 00101111100000000101010100000 00111111110000011111111001001 01100101011111011011110110101 11100011111100110111101100001 00100101100111101000101011000 10110000000011111111011001100 10010000000110010001011010111 11011010001000010010001010100 01010011101000101000001111011 10100010111111101010000111110 10001100010000000000010110111 100111

That 441 bits. This can't be ASCII, since they aren't in groups of 8 (441 dived by 8 is not a whole number). Even if I omitted a line or two, it still wouldn't be right. This data isn't even evenly dividable by 4, so I can't see how it'd be a valid data structure. I'm going to go through the video again and make sure I counted the correct number of lines.

I got this wierd crap when i tried lmao }EEE}T%Xf   

Yeah I got something like that, too. Must not be ASCII.

I do host weird speedkart edits yes, but I'm no where related to this.
I joined 5 days ago, my other account is Bike.

Since when does looking at someone's profile now has weird stuff on it?

I put it in a random Binary to English converter, and I got this. 聽䖝贒Ꮿઠ㿉략潡텘ﻌ⋗⑔偻퐾' when I put it in google translate, I got "Listen to 䖝 贒 Ꮿ ઠ 㿉 텘 ⋗⑔ ⋗⑔ ⋗⑔ 퐾 퐾"


my attempt

Since when does looking at someone's profile now has weird stuff on it?
i didn't get the thing on anas profile on chrome, firefox, or explorer when i tried it so idunno how you got that

This is a tad odd.

Anyway... I lines the binary up. Here is is:

00000001000001000000001111101 10101101111100100010110011101 00010010001011000110100010010 00101110101010001001111101111 00101111100000000101010100000 00111111110000011111111001001 01100101011111011011110110101 11100011111100110111101100001 00100101100111101000101011000 10110000000011111111011001100 10010000000110010001011010111 11011010001000010010001010100 01010011101000101000001111011 10100010111111101010000111110 10001100010000000000010110111 100111

That 441 bits. This can't be ASCII, since they aren't in groups of 8 (441 dived by 8 is not a whole number). Even if I omitted a line or two, it still wouldn't be right. This data isn't even evenly dividable by 4, so I can't see how it'd be a valid data structure. I'm going to go through the video again and make sure I counted the correct number of lines.

So I recounted. It is indeed 21 lines of 21 pixels. That's 441 pixels. I don't know what to do with this.

Could go either way. Would need more evidence. How would a GIF of a richard be in any way similar to the COVER PAGE picture?

it had the same pic of a road and music
the site was blockland with the l's swapped with i's if you wanna go but it changed back

the site was also https and verified under namecheap just like blocklandana

I removed the Cubes and "Listen to" i got
Ꮿ ṭha pancake telus paep paep
after putting in what google translate felt appropriate through the missing words it said it was missing

Since when does looking at someone's profile now has weird stuff on it?
it was probably the website that hosted the image in his description was from hence what i said a few pages back