Author Topic: MicroEDGE - stop it. get some help  (Read 25483 times)

am i missing something or is there actual hostility here over some internet friend group?

am i missing something or is there actual hostility here over some internet friend group?

it's not really a back-and-forth thing, kidalex just has personal issues for some ambiguous reason

on a scale of one to ten, how do you rate your hatred of the clique?
a six maybe
the one good thing the clique has done for me was inspire me how to model

just so you guys know: i am god

just so you guys know: i am god
nows my chance *removes nunchucks from backpack&*

update: I'm no longer god, I just wanted to post about how i was warden for a round on a TF2 Jail RP server

i slapped saxton hale's ass in freak fortress
i am the new god

i slapped saxton hale's ass in freak fortress
i am the new god
woah dood your brave!!

i slapped saxton hale's ass in freak fortress
i am the new god
but wait freak fortress was cancelled this year

but wait freak fortress was cancelled this year
what the forget

hello im here to submit 1 application for the click

hello im here to submit 1 application for the click

application accepted. have a nice day

application accepted. have a nice day

hey can i            join   click tooo
