Author Topic: Sharpen (aka "Bloom")  (Read 3527 times)

you call me a handicap for posting my thoughts about your idea which i dont think will happen. your the handicap.

you call me a handicap for posting my thoughts about your idea which i dont think will happen. your the handicap.
You have no loving idea what bloom is or what it does. So GTFO dude. ITs also highly possible that badspot could one day add this, as it would proably increase sales >.>

I don't think Badspot would go nuts, I know he hates those things, I just know it.

Practical side of me: Probably won't happen. I thought it would be cool, but I now I think it would just add an unnecessary element to the graphics in Blockland. We already have fairly decent a type of lighting effect. Aside from that, when did you see a block shine in real life like that? This is my personal opinion.

[Edit] Most likely, Badspot will disprove the idea.

[Edit 2] What the hell is "Shapen"?

Other side of me: Not Bloom...HDR >:O

Or at least a post-processing "add-on" (Unless that's what you were talking about) :\
Whoops, I let my brain go a little overboard there.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2008, 06:52:54 PM by NoZoner »

If you ever play a korean 2008 mmo, youll see SHARPEN in the settings, Its another word for "BLOOM HDR post-processing".

Doesn't look that good to me.

I like the clean, crisp look of Blockland as it is right now.

If you ever play a korean 2008 mmo, youll see SHARPEN in the settings, Its another word for "BLOOM HDR post-processing".

If you ever play a korean 2008 mmo, youll see SHARPEN in the settings, Its another word for "BLOOM HDR post-processing".
"Korea release: June 22, 2004"

I mean BRAND NEW mmos.

That looks pretty epic, but we'll see if Badspot likes it and if it's feasible. Until then let's report someone :P

Im not...

cheap bloom effect made in

"nah, actually its a preview of bloom in V9" ~my joke-half

Bloom is good if you don't abuse it (Valve), some of the main problems with games nower days is every thing is so shiny and bright that it passes real-life and a half.
valve did abuse it...
That's my point, they abused it.

cheap bloom effect made in

"nah, actually its a preview of bloom in V9" ~my joke-half
lol glow effect

Bloom is good if you don't abuse it (Valve), some of the main problems with games nower days is every thing is so shiny and bright that it passes real-life and a half.
valve did abuse it...
That's my point, they abused it.
damn right they did

If this becomes reality I'm guessing there will be an option to turn it off in case you don't like it, so quit complaining about it as if it would be irreversible.

Personally I think it would be awesome, not extreme bloom (like in the first pic in the OP) but just a hint of bloom to touch up on the rough edges.

cheap bloom effect made in

"nah, actually its a preview of bloom in V9" ~my joke-half
lol glow effect
actually and extra layer dragged to the right a bit, set to glow, and transed a bit

It's closer to real bloom, but still a bit wonky.