
is she

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Author Topic: real talk: is rey a mary sue  (Read 4149 times)


I think she is, cuz comparing her to Luke and Anakin, she never realy had trouble grasping the force. With luke we get to see him fighting that jedi training droid that shoots lasers at him while blinded, and with anakin, it takes him years to train, and even then he still has shortcomings, like how he charged Dooku alone in AotC and got wrecked. With Rey however, she manages to read Kylo's mind like it's the simplest thing in the world, and in the final duel at the end, it started out okay, since she was mostly running froom him, but when he had her in a saber-lock on the edge of the chasm, all is takes is for him to mention the force, and she suddenly starts winning, whereas before that whenever she clashed blades with Kylo, she staggered and couldn't keep it up, which is why she was running back from him so much.


who else think SCUM forget FLOWER BOY was overrated and boring as hell?

who else think SCUM forget FLOWER BOY was overrated and boring as hell?

ya i get what u mean, maybe there's some lore reason to how she learned the force so fast tho? idrk

who else think SCUM forget FLOWER BOY was overrated and boring as hell?
hey :( that's uh completely off topic

ya i get what u mean, maybe there's some lore reason to how she learned the force so fast tho? idrk
if she was tapping into the dark side i could understand, but she calmed herself beforehand so i dont think she was

i mean, it's star wars. there aren't any non-mary sue characters if we're bein real.

I don't like Rey personally because she is a true Jedi by way of personality.

The problem is that Jedi are masters of their mind, and controlling their own emotions is a very important part of their creed. To lose yourself in any of the normal emotions that drive interesting characterisation is to begin down the path towards the Dark Side. Basically, it's a serious job for No-Fun-Allowed advocates.

Obi-Wan is about the only exception to this who still fits into the role well, and that's why he is my favourite Jedi character.

i mean, it's star wars. there aren't any non-mary sue characters if we're bein real.
umm..... hello? jar-jar?........

I don't know if I wanna say Rey was intentionally made into a Mary Sue because Jew Jew Abrams thought it would be profitable to ham-fist a ~badass female lead~ into his movie, I just think he's a garbage director in general and Rey's non-existent backstory and butchered explanations for why she's able to pull off ridiculous feats can essentially be chalked up to stuff writing.

Well actually I'm gonna go ahead and say both because JJ Abrams all but said in words that the story took a back seat to the movie "feeling inclusive". To his credit if I was making a soulless cash grab on this loving astronomical level I'd probably do it as well. All we know about Rey is that she lives on a stranded stuffhole of a desert (and is somehow not a slave) and survives by camping out in destroyed starships, pulling random garbage out of them, and selling them to some starfish down at the market. I'm meant to believe that this can explain Rey's extraordinary piloting ability, how she can repair the millennium falcon when loving Han Solo can't. Then Han Solo reminds her that Jedi's exist, and the next day she's using mind tricks and overpowering a sith lord who is so powerful that he can manipulate loving light energy.

People talk about Luke being a Mary Sue but in reality Luke spent a bajillion years training with the supreme ultra mega grand wizard of the jedi, only to get his ass kicked by Darth Vader. We never saw this development with Rey. She just skipped directly to awesome badass cool warrior princess the after speaking with orange vagina yoda for approximately 20 minutes.

I think the lore implications is that the Skywalker line extends before Anakin, because he got those genes from somewhere. In either case, it's a good point to bring up. It could even be a massive logical error to fit the story they wanted to tell.

if she was tapping into the dark side i could understand
Sorry to nerd out here, but I need to make a point of this.

It's not easier to become a Sith Lord than a Jedi Knight, since they're fundamentally the same thing. Anakin is a nice case-study, because I don't believe he was ever really a true Sith or Jedi until he had reached about Episode IV-level Vader.

Theoretically, the difference between Light and Dark is the ideology and application of your power. You still stem energy from the same source (the Well of Life or whatever the forget it's called), but you just apply it differently, for different goals.

True Dark Side characters don't just destroy everything and eat babies for fun. That would be like a "Jedi" who used their powers to be the best servant in an old person's retirement home. It's an inexperienced, immature worldview and that is why you hear a lot about the Jedi and Sith having giant libraries and philosophy classes all throughout the canon.

You are not a real Jedi or Sith until you understand the full extent of what the end goal is, and aim towards that. Until then, you're just some dude who has superpowers.

See, the Jedi and Sith are two big ancient groups want really just want the same thing; peace. But the Jedi mean to do it through diplomacy and the freedom of individuals to choose their fate (so long as it benefits rather than harms), while the Sith believe in crushing any opposition and imposing their rule for the benefit of all. There's a lot of juicy philosophical debate you can have (and Knights of the Old Republic II is a game designed entirely as a criticism of both sides, so I highly recommend you read Scorchy's Let's Play for more details).

One more time: "Jedi" and "Sith" don't refer to people who have powers, they refer to the two ancient ideological groups whose members may or may not have powers and want to reach their own version of "peace".
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 01:22:10 AM by McJob »

I think the lore implications is that the Skywalker line extends before Anakin, because he got those genes from somewhere. In either case, it's a good point to bring up. It could even be a massive logical error to fit the story they wanted to tell.
Nerd outing accepted! I agree with almost everything you said.

I've always been under the impression that the Force was just reacting to Plagueis' manipulation of midi-chlorians, and to balance his dark side forces, the Force just happened to find Shmi and bam out comes an Anakin. Of course this is just a theory but it makes sense compared to the theory that both Palpatine and Plagueis combined their powers to impregnate Shmi. It would explain why Palpatine was so interested in Anakin since he was a boy, but there's a lot of inconsistencies with that one.

One more time: "Jedi" and "Sith" don't refer to people who have powers, they refer to the two ancient ideological groups whose members may or may not have powers and want to reach their own version of "peace".
Historically though, the Jedi and Sith have always been Force-sensitive users. Unless we're talking about political power here, then yes.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 01:25:35 AM by Khaz »

Historically though, the Jedi and Sith have always been Force-sensitive users.
Yeah, I just didn't want somebody to call me out on some Extended Canon example of people without powers who call themselves Jedi or Sith aye.

Actually, I think in KotOR's story, the Sith employed a lot of non-sensitives to fill out the Sith Trooper army which they deployed on places like Taris to keep order while the real sith dealth with real problems. You could argue they're not really Sith though, and just mercs looking for a stable salary. I did recall having to go through a number of non-sensitive executives who might have been into the higher goals, though...
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 01:44:29 AM by McJob »

Tbh I think Rey's Mary-Sue-ness could be redeemed if she was like some sort of weapon made by Old Republic people specifically to fight Snoke. Kinda like Link in BOTW who's been in slumber for 100 years and forgot everything except for his skills. I mean Snoke's probably that old. Only flaw is they showed Rey as a kid getting abandoned so this idea's out the window.

All in all it's stuffty writing and something like my idea would be an afterthought attempt at fixing it.

remember when luke "force-sensitive" skywalker had to learn how to mind-trick people over three movies but rey gets it right within three tries

mary sue right there