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Author Topic: real talk: is rey a mary sue  (Read 4190 times)

Revenge of the Sith was a masterpiece.
did I just read this irl

you know he made the prequels, right?
idk why the prequels have a bad rep honestly

george is not the best director but the movies and the story were still great as forget

and that music forget yes

episode 3 is my favorite of the prequels purely because of the order 66 montage <3

george is not the best director but the movies and the story were still great as forget

not if you like real sets heyyo

idk why the prequels have a bad rep honestly

george is not the best director but the movies and the story were still great as forget

and that music forget yes


episode 3 is my favorite of the prequels purely because of the order 66 montage <3

episode 3 is my favorite star wars film in general because of how emotionally and dramatically incredible it is.

"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

I like episode 3 because of kids genocide

episode 3 is my favorite star wars film in general because of how emotionally and dramatically incredible it is.

"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."


hate to break it to you but the originals are boring

phantom menace is bad, AotC is good, and RotS is amazing except for some of the acting here and there

Yoda vs Palpatine and Anakin vs Obi-wan are theatrical masterpieces.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 10:07:40 PM by Khaz »

hate to break it to you but the originals are boring

phantom menace is bad, AotC is good, and RotS is amazing except for some of the acting here and there

Episode 3 could have been the best if it wasn't for the poor dialogue, and some of the plot direction. I'm in love with the themes, like Palpatine's manipulation of all the chess pieces, the change in relationship and eventual battle of Anakin and Obi-Wan, the entire war being one long con job and the end of the golden age of the core worlds, but even I can't defend a lot of the movie's bigger mistakes (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO).

As a kid, it was all about the fights and the magic, but as an adult, I love seeing the more nuanced and complex conflicts, which is why Episode 3, 5 and Rogue One are my favourites so far. They make no illusion that the world is stuff mixing in a lot of grey and grey morality, and it's on full display that people have to do terrible things in the name of what they consider moral. I'm hoping we might see a main-line movie that even questions or blurs the core philosophies of the Jedi and Sith.

And George is a great visual director (if we overlook some of his stupid edits). Star Wars incorporates a lot of amazing cinematography you may not be aware of. His problem is whenever he feels the need to tell instead of showing, and has characters blurt out awkward exposition (and by all accounts, he's incredibly brown town about the way actors deliver their lines).
« Last Edit: October 30, 2017, 10:18:47 PM by McJob »

Episode 3 could have been the best if it wasn't for the poor dialogue, and some of the plot direction. I'm in love with the themes, like Palpatine's manipulation of all the chess pieces, the change in relationship and eventual battle of Anakin and Obi-Wan, the entire war being one long con job and the end of the golden age of the core worlds, but even I can't defend a lot of the movie's bigger mistakes (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO).

As a kid, it was all about the fights and the magic, but as an adult, I love seeing the more nuanced and complex conflicts, which is why Episode 3, 5 and Rogue One are my favourites so far. They make no illusion that the world is stuff mixing in a lot of grey and grey morality, and it's on full display that people have to do terrible things in the name of what they consider moral. I'm hoping we might see a main-line movie that even questions or blurs the core philosophies of the Jedi and Sith.

And George is a great visual director (if we overlook some of his stupid edits). Star Wars incorporates a lot of amazing cinematography you may not be aware of. His problem is whenever he feels the need to tell instead of showing, and has characters blurt out awkward exposition (and by all accounts, he's incredibly brown town about the way actors deliver their lines).

I agree, but Episode 3 shall always be the best Star Wars film in my heart.

am i the only one who's not looking forward to last jedi

i enjoyed ep 7, but seeing rogue one makes me worry considering disney didn't take nearly as big of a risk as they could have - they made a gritty war film but then threw in robotic comedy relief, pointless jedi dude, tons of fanservice callbacks, and so what we got was something watered down.

what i want from last jedi is something different, something risky. disney gets a free pass for ep 7 because they needed to hook people in, but after rogue one i don't trust them to really take a big risk here, and if last jedi is just empire strikes back 2, i'm going to be very dissapointed

Rey being a mary sue is only a piece of why she is a godawful character alongside the other new terrible characters.

The Force Awakens was garbage and Rogue One was average. Disney, give it back to George and stop milking the franchise to death while turning Star Wars into a corporate product.

Wait, they already have...
1) why are all of your opinions garbage
2) did you think that star wars before disney was what, a nonprofit organization? of forgetin course it's a corporate product. they're selling movies. all movies do this.