Author Topic: lets get to know each other  (Read 4116 times)

sure you don't want my social security too?
right? i bet he'd like to know my debit card info and my favorite color, too >:(

- classified
- old enough
- male
- white
- classified
- :cookieMonster:
- classified
- my entire life is a secret

jfk = jesus freaking krumped

- jake
- 14
- male
- white
- california
- student
- hell no girls have cooties
- i was born on 3/3/03
- i like classic rock

pale loving ghost
illinois, somewhere near chicago
student (either middle or high)
my irl self and internet self are different people basically
i can teach people stuff on the pc they don't know how to do (usually basic stuff)

- name irl adam
- age 18
- gender m
- race white, ethnically hispanic bc my dad's grandparents(?) immigrated from mexico
- where you live texas
- job or profession nothing
- in a relationship never been in one
- something interesting bout you i broke my arm idk
- other stuff brother i wanna develop games

- name irl- Sidney
- age-15
- gender- Male
- race- White Mystery.
- where you live- Nice try d0xx3r
- job or profession- School.
- in a relationship- Yes
- something interesting bout you- Skipped two years of math.
- other stuff brother- im no manlet/5'10

- name irl adam
- age 18
- gender m
- race white, ethnically hispanic bc my dad's grandparents(?) immigrated from mexico
- where you live texas
- job or profession nothing
- in a relationship never been in one
- something interesting bout you i broke my arm idk
- other stuff brother i wanna develop games
wit your prickly pear headed lookin ass

- name irl Hulk Hogan
- age 14
- gender big guy
- race white boy
- where you live Scotland
- job or profession Professional Wrestler
- in a relationship no thots allowed
- something interesting bout you i know 1004 wrestling holds
- other stuff brother BROTHER

- martin
- 19
- male
- white
- virginia's north east coastline
- "legally" speaking, no
- single af
- most unique cars i've worked on were a Studebaker golden hawk and a gaz-69(lmao)

my hair is blonde
im taller than my 17 year old brother