
Do you agree? Does Blockland need more Tezuni's?

I agree
I disagree

Author Topic: Blockland Needs More Tezuni's  (Read 3858 times)

I know some people have some strong opinions about Tezuni, so I hesitate to put this in General Discussion instead of Drama. But I think this is important and serious enough to put here. Hear me out...

I have never been a big fan of Tezuni's server. I have seen his servers come and go over the last five years or so, and have come to increasingly resent them. While there certainly are much worse servers, Tezuni's servers didn't always feel like they were worthy of the top server slot. Furthermore, they often felt like cash-grabs. Although I'm not sure how much he made exactly, I've heard many say he did turn a profit (I would actually be curious to know if Tezuni wouldn't mind chiming in; no hate).

But as I look at the number of players playing Blockland on a daily basis, I have begun to realize that Tezuni might have actually been a good thing for Blockland. As Conan put it in an topic on Tezuni's absence (to old to quote directly):
Quote from: Conan
despite it having a bad rep, i hope tezuni finds something else to host permanently. it was a sort of server where you could go in whenever and expect a baseline levle of quality (even if the baseline was low)

Other similar sandbox games like Garry's Mod and Roblox have hundreds of dedicated servers with consistent player numbers. Many of these servers (in Garry's Mod in particular) have networks behind them, and are sustained off of their donations, and occasionally in-game purchases. While this feels a bit "corporate", it really helps these games maintain a steady player-base, even after years of being on the market.

As has been discussed time and time again, there is a feeling in this community that the game is slowly dying, and their statistics to back this up. Duly, Blockland has an image problem that needs to be remedied. The fact that there's no guarantee that a decent, consistent server is going to be when a new player--or worse, a YouTuber/Game Reviewer--comes in to give the game a look, it makes the game look bad. We all know the potential of this game, and we need to properly project this to the "outside world".

I understand that some of you may like Blockland small and personal, and I can understand that. The community feels very tight-knit, and I like that. But I really think doing everything we can to boost the player-base is ultimately a good thing for Blockland, as it will bring in new creators and bring more people to enjoy the game as we all have. So maybe stuffting less on servers like Tezuni's (although criticism is important) would be a good thing. It may not be your slice of cake, and it's not mine either. But we should acknowledges the good it does for Blockland.

Sorry if I sound a bit preachy. What do you guys think? (Please keep the drama to a minimum. This is less about Tezuni himself and more about his style of server.)

I'm already kind of annoyed he has like 4 servers out at the same time and they are almost always have no players in them or passworded.

I never really saw Tezuni's servers as boring or bad. It's always entertaining at the least, as long as there's enough people for the gamemode. I see them as a kind of game you'd find in a Minigame Hub server. They're clearly repetitive, but they're meant to be that way. Its a server you can pick up and play every now and then and have a good time on it.
Sure, a few new maps and some music and all could spice it up, which is why servers like Crown's JB and Speedkart servers rein supreme compared to Tezuni's, which gives almost the exact same experience every time. If he were to take some time and consideration into his servers, he would almost definitely draw in more players.

As for his Donator perks and all, as scandalous and game-breaking as it seems, he's got the right idea to keep players on his servers. If people buy perks, they're more likely to join on the server more often than players who played before, as they have the special abilities that can change the game entirely. It keeps people online, and keeps the server up to attract even more people.

We need more people motivated to create content and servers for Blockland, not exactely the questionable way Tezuni does.

We need more people motivated to create content and servers for Blockland, not exactely the questionable way Tezuni does.

I'm trying no one wants to help lol

Tezuni's Slopes Dogfight was the only gamemode he ever hosted that I liked. And it still had flaws. But it was a good baseline gamemode.

Tezuni's Slopes Dogfight was the only gamemode he ever hosted that I liked. And it still had flaws. But it was a good baseline gamemode.
I forgot about that server. I actually quite liked it. Good, simple fun.

We need more people motivated to create content and servers for Blockland, not exactely the questionable way Tezuni does.
Questionable how exactly? Just the way he monetizes them?

Tezuni's Jail RP though was pure cancer and I am very glad it is gone

it's funny because theblackparrot was hosting like 6 servers at once with all different gamemodes for a month or two but every time i ever looked at the master server, every one of those servers had absolutely nobody joining it

Tezuni's Jail RP though was pure cancer and I am very glad it is gone

it's funny because theblackparrot was hosting like 6 servers at once with all different gamemodes for a month or two but every time i ever looked at the master server, every one of those servers had absolutely nobody joining it

I find stuff like this annoying.

tezuni modded me and i don't know why
slopes is damn good tho. mixed feelings about his prison thing because i occasionally like it depending on my mood

I find stuff like this annoying.
its passive aggressive but he has a point. i guess the difference is more in the background code of the server - tezunis has a lot of extra visual features and member types while tbp’s is just straight server

Blockland needs more players

not Tezuni