cuphead legitimately has the best OST i've heard [cuphead megathread i guess]

Author Topic: cuphead legitimately has the best OST i've heard [cuphead megathread i guess]  (Read 9076 times)

one word for you guys


this boss is impossible

he himself is invincible. you just have to hit his bike in the first part, then his gun in the second
in the third he begs for mercy but you must not yield

yeah but then he just pulls out another gun and its a different gun every time so its impossible to maneuver

just keep dodging his bullets and bike and you should be fine
keep in mind the second phase where he summons the little naked guys that run across the screen

i guarantee you haven't seen this meme because this one's fresh outta the oven

People complaining that this game is too hard are pussies.

not the bump we needed, but the bump we wanted

not the bump we needed, but the bump we wanted
what else is there to talk about