Author Topic: [NEWS] sam hyde responsible for church shooting.  (Read 1640 times)

CNN has just reported the gunman for the church shootings was none other than Sam Hyde.

More on this at 11.

In the hours after the shooting, Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzalez fell for a reoccurring far-right social media meme claiming comedian Sam Hyde was responsible for the shootings and repeated that information during a live CNN broadcast.

The meme sees alt-right figures internet trolls posting pictures of 'Sam Hyde' - a white man with glasses and blonde hair, holding a gun, typically with the caption, 'BREAKING: Shooter confirmed to be Sam Hyde.'

The recurring hoax, which probably originated on 4chan's controversial Politically Incorrect board, /pol/, claims prankster and comedian Sam Hyde is the gunman.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 08:20:46 AM by hootaloo »

he can't keep getting away with this

Did he seriously get away again? We need seal team 6 on this dude. Adolf Drumpf wont do it though because sam hyde is white

How can CNN still be believable?

I thought the shooter was a convert named Samual al Hajeed

How can CNN still be believable?
lots of drugs will make it believable

This is what happens when you mess with poppa sam geno