Author Topic: [NEWS] aethestics/custom is a leet hacker  (Read 4647 times)
oh man get a load of this guy

hes using blhack.dll.exe.gif.jar and he said he has done this before
first he was named aethestics then after schtirliz said things he changed his name to custom
isnt he such a card

also thats twice rising lava has attracted stupid people

heres an extra spicy screenshot from schtirliz (look at That Chat)

this guy and his pranks! haha

does that say "autismic"

zomg! when will his antics end
ya know you can just do that easily by holding the game-tab...
and there isn't really any proof he just says that and does that or he said it while he was 'float hacking' but idk

ya know you can just do that easily by holding the game-tab...
and there isn't really any proof he just says that and does that or he said it while he was 'float hacking' but idk
I'm pretty surr that you can't type if you're holding the game tab though.

I'm pretty surr that you can't type if you're holding the game tab though.
You can't.
Additionally you'll eventually lag out, while with the dll you won't.

forget this guy used to host stuff back in 2012 rip

nah, check the the blid lookup. they have different blids
It's guestnoobnewb. I've known him for like 2 years and i remember when he changed his name to Custom. it's probably him / a new account that he sniped the name on

bfkdod I just realized the [NEWS] tag