Author Topic: MicroEDGE - youms not funny  (Read 7458 times)

Let's all join hands in prayer in this dark and terrible time... Only God can bring us joy where microEDGE cannot

Let's all join hands in prayer in this dark and terrible time... Only God can bring us joy where microEDGE cannot

i remember when microedge was a nice dude, then he started trying too hard to fit in. now he acts like a stalker with low functioning autism.
ya i miss the old micro :(

pretty wild that people are getting mad at you for being annoying
resize the tiny line you see it actually has an argument

resize the tiny line you see it actually has an argument
thats what i was responding to, you clown. people wouldnt be getting mad at you if you weren't so loud and annoying lately.

i remember when microedge was a nice dude, then he started trying too hard to fit in. now he acts like a stalker with low functioning autism.
he used to be alright

how are 75% of the posts he's made recently not qualified for breaking rule 6

how are 75% of the posts he's made recently not qualified for breaking rule 6
because, for whatever reason, he doesn't really enforce it as much these days.

(at least, i think so anyways)

report all of his autism posts

pray for old micro back
