MicroEDGE - not a cole dude

Author Topic: MicroEDGE - not a cole dude  (Read 12313 times)

i decided to come back early, since it's wayyyyy too long
please log out

idk it seems like he was just being awkward and yall just egged him on. he apologized so just stop. if he acts out again then oh well thats on him

i decided to come back early
You came back far too early to have a good think over things.

i decided to come back early, since it's wayyyyy too long


that wasn't even a loving arg. it wasn't even a loving puzzle to reveal that you were the one behind that topic. none of the loving puzzles actually led up to the Big Reveal that you're back - every loving thing never matched up with anything else. all it's done is making me hate you more and wish you never came back, because you honestly think that throwing a couple overused, easy 'puzzles' to solve loving nothing just for you to randomly post 'ha it's me' is a great way to come back far too quickly after being banned. please leave.

ok one i said i was sorry it sucked ass and two you took that way too seriously, you act like i murdered your entire family and made an arg about it, loving chill.

you took that way too seriously, you act like i murdered your entire family and made an arg about it, loving chill.
if you genuinely think im sat here with my face completely red, crying and screaming at the screen due to your arg, then
i don't know how to help you

ok one i said i was sorry it sucked ass and two you took that way too seriously, you act like i murdered your entire family and made an arg about it, loving chill.

it's more like he's upset because it was another dumb ARG that was not even remotely close to an ARG. it was just another 'decode this message' game that was way too easy and had no meaning or purpose
not only that, it was made way too close to after ana's ARG which got ended by badspot iirc

please rethink coming back and maybe leave again

[im g]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/010/566/060.png[/img]
directed towards raccooneer

he’s starting to act autistic again

ok one i said i was sorry it sucked ass and two you took that way too seriously, you act like i murdered your entire family and made an arg about it, loving chill.
you obviously havent learned a single thing since you left for your "break"
take some time off so you can get it through your thick skull why nobody here likes you