Author Topic: 10 years + 3 days  (Read 1818 times)

10 years ago (and 3 days) I signed up to the BLF. I dunno what compelled me to do it as a wee lad but I've stuck around since then.

It's kinda strange to think I signed up here when I was 10 and here I am at 20. Half my life has been spent here. I mostly just lurk nowadays and I've seen a fair amount of change. Some good, some bad. But still, 10 years is crazy. I still see some of the other old timers around so that's pretty cool coo


you've survived hell for 10 years

but seriously its really cool that you've been here for that long

i remember when you used to have this avatar

i remember when you used to have this avatar

Haha wow I loved that avatar so much

holy stuff its you

how you doin

i remember when you used to have this avatar
ive been trying to change my avatar for over 2 (probably 3) forgetin years and it never works. I want this one back

old man
respect your elders

holy stuff its you

how you doin
doin good. Living in the US for a year. It's pretty strange

ive been trying to change my avatar for over 2 (probably 3) forgetin years and it never works. I want this one back

I can't change mine either I really hate this one

I can't change mine either I really hate this one
If anyone finds a way for us to update our avatars that would be sweet.

I even remember trying a 1x1 red pixel and it still didnt go through

doin good. Living in the US for a year. It's pretty strange

which state?

doin good. Living in the US for a year. It's pretty strange
what specifically is so strange

which state?

what specifically is so strange
Coming to a whole new continent practically on a whim, knowing nobody here and leaving everything i had behind. Readjusting to culture differences isn't something i've done before, at least to this extent, but mostly the whole leaving everything behind thing