
Are you scared of robots taking your job / taking other people's jobs?

4 (8.9%)
13 (28.9%)
No, for some cases
3 (6.7%)
I don't have a job and this does not affect me
6 (13.3%)
If everyone can still sustain from it, no
9 (20%)
4 (8.9%)
1 (2.2%)
Carbonated water
5 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 45

Author Topic: Are you scared of robots taking your job / taking other people's jobs?  (Read 2619 times)

Do you think you should/are scared of having your job taken by robots? Is it for some cases or none? If so, what cases? Do you have a job?

Na robots don't subcontract

my job will never be taken over by robots until we create sentiment, self-aware robots so im good

As a designer/programmer/writer/community manager, no. All of these jobs are based in your ability to empathise and form abstract connections, which technology will not be capable of doing to the same extent of humanity for a very long time.

As a designer/programmer/writer/community manager, no. All of these jobs are based in your ability to empathise and form abstract connections, which technology will not be capable of doing to the same extent of humanity for a very long time.

CGP Grey disagrees https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU?t=7m24s

hard to say. with the right society, more and more automation would result in significantly decreased cost of living, for everyone. it would become reasonable to have a small universal basic income to allow those without not-yet-automated skills to survive. free education would also significantly ease the burden, giving those people the opportunity to gain skills in fields they've been interested in but could never afford to learn about
the united states however is definitely the worst place for it to start, because people would rather allow those who lose their jobs to automation starve than support them, and corporations would likely choose to keep their prices the same despite their reduced costs

CGP Grey disagrees https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU?t=7m24s
That's talking about stuff like data entry, online support, stuff like that. He literally says in the video that people have jobs, to replace other jobs. That's the literal worst case scenario for getting your job replaced as a programmer and even then he admits that you're unlikely to get replaced by a robot.

That's talking about stuff like data entry, online support, stuff like that. He literally says in the video that people have jobs, to replace other jobs. That's the literal worst case scenario for getting your job replaced as a programmer and even then he admits that you're unlikely to get replaced by a robot.

It also talks about more creative jobs later on https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU?t=11m17s

I'll be long dead when that happens

no. then again it doesn't really apply to any of my skills, in fact, i benefit from widespread robotic automation

overall i think it'd be a plus for society. in the short term there might be some people out of a job but the long-term benefits outweigh that temporary hit

It also talks about more creative jobs later on https://youtu.be/7Pq-S557XQU?t=11m17s
No, he briefly touches on the fact that they aren't completely safe, giving only the example of meh music bots and a robot that can paint a predetermined picture.

Never, at any point is it talked about the fact that programming is a completely different form of "art" than painting and music because:
-It has to take into account complex creative choices based on human-based requests and massive amounts of business and human context, meaning complete and total language understandings are a base requirement
-It has to be able to understand and dynamically apply downright complex mathematics and logical thinking
-It has to be able to understand (or solve) extremely tough theoretical problems and limitations that not even people have yet solved
-And finally, the ability to fix massive mistakes even after having thought of seemingly every possible idea on why it may have occurred in the first place

By the time all of these can be solved by a bot, we have a lot more to worry about than just a few jobs being replaced. We need to be worried about an all new class of intelligent life.

robots cant count corn