Author Topic: Perfect Dark Weapons  (Read 615 times)

I know we have tons of weapons, both modern and sci-fi, so this sort of request really shouldn't have much priority in the community; however, I believe Perfect Dark is fully deserving of the Blockland treatment.

Perfect Dark is a game eclipsed by GoldenEye, but I would say in about 95% of all cases, Perfect Dark is objectively the better game, but I digress. PD has a few features that haven't been mimicked very much by other games, the weapon design is one of them. Guns all have personality, they're each unique and uniquely powerful. The Falcon 2 is laser accurate, fires as fast as you can, and can be used to pistol whip on top of that. The Callisto NTG is an alien SMG which can either spray or fire high velocity rounds at a slower rate. Every weapon feels overpowered in its own way, and while not all of the alternate fire modes transfer to BL, many of them would, and they're integral to what makes that weapon tick. Also, some weapons may be dual wielded (not as many as in GoldenEye though, rifles aren't one armed).

Alt fires that would easily translate:

-Pistol whip (Falcon 2 and variants, DY357 and LX variant)
-Charge shot (Mauler)
-Different round types (Phoenix, Callisto NTG, Crossbow, Devastator, Laser,
-Detonate (Remote Mine)
-Underbarrel grenade launcher (Super Dragon)
-Deploy as proximity mine (Dragon)
-Magazine discharge (Cyclone)
-Proximity pinball/detonation (Grenade/N-bomb)
-Deploy as sentry gun (Laptop Gun)
-3 round burst (Magsec 9, Shotgun)
-Cloak (RC-P120)
-Grinder (Reaper)
-Targeted rocket (Rocket Launcher)
-Fly-by-wire (guided) rocket (Slayer)
-Lethal injection (Tranquilizer)
-Disarm (Unarmed)
-Throw (Knife)

Alt fires that wouldn't really translate
-Threat detector (K7 Avenger, Timed and Proximity Mines) [Would be weird in BL, might work but be buggy and/or incompatible with stuff]
-Crouch (Sniper Rifle) [Default BL function]
-Use scope (AR34) [Default zoom or right click zoom exist]
-Targeted lock-on (CMP-150, FarSight XR-20) [Cheaty, also unnecessary in a PC game where mouse look exists]

Only one full weapon wouldn't translate into BL which would be the psychosis gun, it could be a team switcher, but such a thing would be so cheaty it wouldn't be worth it.

Taking on this project is also a good excuse to port over GoldenEye weapons, as most of those are redone better or directly ported over to PD.

I know that some add-ons have alternate fire modes such as Gcat's grenade launcher from the dweapon pack, it uses clearghostbrick to swap which grenade type you load in. A similar system could emulate the alternate fire modes system of the game in question.

Damn those are nice. Guessing no coding to accompany them?

scoped version/unsilenced of the falcon 2 or riot