#GamerGate thread

Author Topic: #GamerGate thread  (Read 1508 times)

What do you guys think of my GamerGate?

Don't forget the OFFICIAL GamersGate website: https://www.gamersgate.com/
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 03:17:44 PM by Electrk.. »

pic of a gamer next to the gamergate

OK What's with all the "men" on the internet that go on about feminism and how incorrect the points are?? Ummm, news flash, there's a verrrrry obvious bias among gamers that prefer semi-nude women that are incorrectly portrayed and often used as a trophy for winning the game. WHY WON'T THEY REALIZE THIS!? Anyone can see this! I talk to my coworkers about it and they don't play a lot of games on their consoles but they agree with the strong points feminism brings up! This whole "GamerGate" thing is just an opportunity for online trolling outlets to make fun of real topical issues that need to be discussed, and gaming is going down a dark path if they keep this up. Keep fighting girls, it gonna take a while to reach them!

hey gamers, check out my New Gaming Setup!

hey gamers, check out my New Gaming Setup!

Impressive. Take a gander at my BattleStation

hey gamers, check out my New Gaming Setup!

i call this one arthritis in 20 years or less

hey gamers, check out my New Gaming Setup!

does the cat come with the setup

Impressive. Take a gander at my BattleStation

imagine if someone bumps into one of those tables by accident

Hey boys whaddaya think of my battle station? ;)
[img ]https://richhillenjr.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/girlyahoo-1.jpg[/img]
the forget is with that monitor

Hey boys whaddaya think of my battle station? ;)
-researcho snip-