Author Topic: Throwable cat bot  (Read 1519 times)

So basically the throwable cat mod but it is a bothole instead.

So the cat walks around randomly.

You can walk near the cat to pick up the cat.

So this then disables the bot hole and you now have a throwable cat item in your inventory

Throw the cat which will spawn a bot cat. when it lands.

Actually it's kinda similar concept to Postal 2 cats. Where cats walk around and you can pick them up and use them for things.

What? It's the exact same concept as Postal 2.

Random cat bots walking around that you can pick up to put in your inventory.

what a catastrophe

id give it even more points if it played the sounds from the video

god damnit tony i was trying to post this in the actual thread

I'll make the script myself but is it even possible to turn bots into items?

I'll make the script myself but is it even possible to turn bots into items?
Maybe if the player clicks on the cat, it deletes/de-spawns it and adds the item to your inventory

Wouldn't this already be possible with events?

Maybe if the player clicks on the cat, it deletes/de-spawns it and adds the item to your inventory

Now can this be done vice versa?

Throw the cat item and then it turns into a cat bot

Can someone animate the cat model to bounce up and down like the horse when it walks?

Electrik said he can't animate it himself.

I just ported it from digital designer lol

I'd like to see a Bomb-Omb version of this.