
What should the next "Edition" title be called?

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Total Members Voted: 24

Author Topic: Press the Button...? [Brazilian Edition]  (Read 62138 times)

No. That doesn't seem very effective.

Physical and explosive weapons stop being lethal. Chemical and biological weapons still work.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2017, 09:22:56 PM by Super Suit 12 »

i don't think people will use chem/bio weapons often, press

i can't come up with a button :(

i don't think people will use chem/bio weapons often, press

i can't come up with a button :(
loving smash that button
You get a computer that constantly self-upgrades itself with the best hardware, but you're never allowed to leave your home.

Yes i'm a fat slob anyway

If you press this strangely big and red button over here, you will instantly get super strength, laser eyes, and flying abilities, and you will stop any evil villains', like Talking Banhammers, A robotics nerd, and some weird creature made up of pure static electricity, evil plans. However, you will die in a great battle and nobody will remember you.

Yes i'm a fat slob anyway

If you press this strangely big and red button over here, you will instantly get super strength, laser eyes, and flying abilities, and you will stop any evil villains', like Talking Banhammers, A robotics nerd, and some weird creature made up of pure static electricity, evil plans. However, you will die in a great battle and nobody will remember you.
*sigh* I miss super stick ;-;

um... no?

i don't think people will use chem/bio weapons often, press
They will if they want to keep having weapons that kill people.
But now "guns don't kill people" is actually 100% true any way you look at it

You and everyone you hate have unnaturally, horribly bad luck for the rest of your lives.


You get to have whatever you want, but no one will love you and you can't share it with them or do anything to make them happy.


create your own universe, your own species, create anything you want, play as a god
but you cant make any richard related things

yes but ill be forever sad

edit: oops
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 05:15:36 PM by Drydess »

drydess you forgot the button

super suit you forgot the button.

you press the button and you become the worlds fastest typer, but your fingers make the hl2 metal scraping sound whenever they move

No, im already pretty good with typing.
Press the button and be able to live in your dream home, but everybody you hate lives in the same neighborhood the house is in.

No, what if they come in at night and rape me

You have the opportunity to get the Tix from Roblox back, but the Clickbait games now appear on the home page, swamping out any potentially good games that might've been on there.

no, the best part of roblox is the games, not the cosmetics.

if you push the button you are able to see the future for anything, lottery numbers, tomorrow, 43 years in the future, whatever; but you become permanently deaf with no chance of cure or solution.


if you push this button nothing happens, but the next time someone pushes it something will happen, nobody knows.