
What should the next "Edition" title be called?

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Total Members Voted: 24

Author Topic: Press the Button...? [Brazilian Edition]  (Read 60521 times)

forget no

Press the button and Youtube's stuffty copyright system is reworked to be much better than before, however, your channel gets terminated. If you try to come back to Youtube on a new account, you will be terminated again.

uhhhh yea just join under another ip

if you press the button you will get dropped off in the middle of the arctic with no jacket
you are in a room with a quickly spreading fire and the exits are all closed off

thank god i have a water bottle

press the button and u can be acting dictator of a country of tournament choosing for a week but nobody will remember what you did


Press the Button and you get to stay in a luxurious hotel on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. You can also choose 3 forum users who will stay with you in the hotel, and you can also have as much chocolate chip cookies as you want. However, if you even let a tiny crumb fall onto the floor, you will be caught in a massive diarrhea explosion and will be forced into a locked closet with a very angry Diarrhea DumpingDumpDumpety SwiftHyena2593 monster.

Yes. And I'll go alone, and not even attempt to eat a cookie.

Press the button to become the ruler of a newly formed island. You're in charge of getting there yourself as well as populating it. All maps were retroactively updated to include the island, so that you have evidence it exists. However, on the rare occasion, monsters will attack, varying in types and number.

Yes, i will just set up a really complicated flamethrower trap that engulfs the entire island.

Press the button to release a gas that will heal wounds, but will make everyone high all the time.

release it where tho
if all over the planet then no
but if I can control when and where, yes

press and you will have the power to order anyone to do anything, once per person, but you must strip and slap your ass in front of them for it to work

Your basically saying 'good, or good', so of course.

Press the button, and you can make whatever you desire on Blockland without requiring skill, however, every time you use the toilet you will have uncontrollable diarrhea, trapping you on your toilet and flooding the bathroom for an hour.

No I can't loving bear that

Press the button and you can build anything you want in RL, or in Blockland, without any skill. However, 2 minutes after you press the button, you will be trapped in glue for about 10 minutes in real life. The glue is impossible to escape from and also sends out painful shocks throughout your body every 25 seconds. The glue dissipates after the 10 minutes is up.

Stuck in glue and deal with 24 shocks for a whole 10 minutes...
But then live the rest of my life with a career...
Worth it.

Press the button and you can summon chocolate milk for personal consumption at will. If anyone attempts to drink it, it disappears. However, even if you get sick of it, you must drink at least 1L of chocolate milk per day or else you die.

wtf that's disgusting

if you press the button you immediately die but no one will remember your existence

hey copyright

press the button and you get a life size statue of any one person in real life, but that person immediately knows who you are and that you have the statue


Press the Button and you get to stay in a luxurious hotel on a remote island in the Indian Ocean. You can also choose 3 forum users who will stay with you in the hotel, and you can also have as much chocolate chip cookies as you want. However, if you even let a tiny crumb fall onto the floor, you will be caught in a massive diarrhea explosion and will be forced into a locked closet with a very angry Diarrhea DumpingDumpDumpety SwiftHyena2593 monster.
could you loving not
ot: yes
press the button and you get to go on your dream vacation for a month, but when you return a tornado would have devastated your hometown.


press the button and you BIG CUM right here right now, wherever you're reading this. everyone around you will hear your audible climax

Stuck in glue and deal with 24 shocks for a whole 10 minutes...
But then live the rest of my life with a career...
Worth it.

Press the button and you can summon chocolate milk for personal consumption at will. If anyone attempts to drink it, it disappears. However, even if you get sick of it, you must drink at least 1L of chocolate milk per day or else you die.
Hey man what if that stuff's not even chocolate milk.

OT: Nah.
could you loving not
Ohohhoho your asking for it.

Press to have an EF5 Tornado come and destroy SwiftHyena's house. There is no consequence. You also get 200$.