Author Topic: 23-year-old research actress commits Self Delete after bullying over "homophobic" tweets  (Read 12143 times)

what is so wrong with explaining yourself
aren't you a little young and impressionable to be defending internet trolls

She's also a human being and is allowed to make the decision to off herself at any time ;|

did this go from a research actress's Self Delete thread to a research actress argument thread?

She's also a woman allowed to make decisions about who gets to put her richard in her regardless of industry expectations? Just because she's a research actress doesn't mean she gobbles down whatever richard she's getting paid to suck off lmao
I'm going to reiterate this since I didn't get it across the first time: she should be able to sleep with whoever she wants, and that should come without professional repercussions. I.e., if she has some bias against sleeping with gay research actors, then fine, she should be able to refuse to shoot with them without getting fired.

But publicly shaming a gay research actor because they had the misfortune to be assigned to shoot with you is obviously homophobic and not okay. That's the difference here. She didn't make a private and personal decision to refuse to shoot with the actor; she decided to turn it into a platform against gay people.

aren't you a little young and impressionable to be defending internet trolls
lets not jump to conclusions son

aren't you a little young and impressionable to be defending internet trolls

Legit do not understand why proposing the gassing of people who invariably make life worse for the rest of us is trolling
If it were child enthusiasts under the gas hose no one would complain so why not annoying radical LGBTQERTY folk

Legit do not understand why proposing the gassing of people who invariably make life worse for the rest of us is trolling
If it were child enthusiasts under the gas hose no one would complain so why not annoying radical LGBTQERTY folk
replace invariably with subjectively and you've summed up your argument and why you're also full of stuff

replace invariably with subjectively and you've summed up your argument and why you're also full of stuff

the amount of gay people who aren't a drain on the overall happiness of society can be counted on one finger:

Alan Turing

I literally can't think of anyone else
I mean maybe Kevin Spacey if we weigh the amount of enjoyment people got from acting compared to the amount of disgust people felt towards his loveual assault case

replace invariably with subjectively and you've summed up your argument and why you're also full of stuff

cigarette detected

cigarette detected

Guess I better let him forget me before I get bullied to death

Guess I better let him forget me before I get bullied to death

He just wants you to stay pozitive

i only forget guys who can get it up