Author Topic: what is the earliest thing you can remember?  (Read 2048 times)

the only early memory that comes to mind is when I was trapped in an elevator at a U-HAUL warehouse because I was too short to reach the buttons.

going to the atlanta zoo with my mom before she went to a mississippi state prison lmao

getting some kind of transformer toy bigger than me for either christmas or my birthday.

being at the hosptial shorty after my sister was born

remember being in my crib crying and my mom came in a turned off the lights and i stopped
also i remember crawling across the floor/trying to walk across my living room

i dropped one of my scuba toys into an aquarium tank by accident and then proceeded to watch a shark eat it

i was rocking side to side in a laundry basket pretending it was a race car

trying to crawl up some folded up bed sheets

laying in my cot

looking out the window as my dad drove away in his truck to go to the store very quickly

at the time I was 3, like a few months before turning 4

I used to remember my house's stairs being loving huge and being a full flight of like 30, and the house being massive. When me and my dad and grandma went to see it like a few years ago, the thing was pretty small, and the stairs were literally 3 steps lol

anyone else remmeber their mom playing with the soft spots on your head like playdoh 😍😍

escaping preschool on the first day

well i vaguely remember our old house we had while i was like 2 or something and that i had one of these things

but thas about it

i was running around in my dark room and it was night time and my parents were watching something, i was screaming something but idk what

our pet rabbit biting me and me getting hives - 2-3 years old
me getting the scar above my right eye - 3 years old
our pet bird but we got rid of her when my brother was born (5 years old)
first successful potty training - 2 or 3 years old

last one is random but i genuinely remember that stuff ( lol get it )

you not a 90s kid if you didnt have one of these