Author Topic: what is the earliest thing you can remember?  (Read 2023 times)

probably me loving around with one of those little drink swords at my aunts house

being frustrated cus i couldn't tie my shoes when i was 2 years old

waking up after a nightmare where something popped out of a house in the distance.
even at the time, i didn't remember anything before that yet i never questioned it.

sitting on my old couch as baby
i dont know the age

The first and only time I've been to Disney world

it snowing the first day i was born and it not snowing every other day
but today is the day its kinda snowing
after that nothing just a dark void
i think i could hear stuff outside

you not a 90s kid if you didnt have one of these

i gots one of those but i was born in 2005
and the one i got
is more stable and it actually looks like a lawn mower and its got like those green balls to simulate grass or something
but its fun to roll around to this day xd

my sister feeding me sand from the sandbox in our backyard. mustve been 1.5yo

i gots one of those but i was born in 2005
and the one i got
is more stable and it actually looks like a lawn mower and its got like those green balls to simulate grass or something

not even close to the same thing. despicable

minutes before i was born. I saw the planet Earth.

my dad rolled over ontop of my head when i was a baby and he had to reshape it

anyone else remmeber their mom playing with the soft spots on your head like playdoh 😍😍
lmao wtf

i remember eating cookies in christmas eve of 2004

also, gorillaz' demon days was made 1 day after my 1 year birthday. just thought i'd say that xd

Ambulance at my house come to tend to my Nan.

you not a 90s kid if you didnt have one of these

oh stuff i remember this