Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16635 times)

Actually, call me an starfish if you want, but if it looks like he is trying to pull up his pants then I think that it may be thought that he was grabbing a gun at the time. I mean I guess I somewhat agree with the officer but to put like 6 rounds in the dude come on

It's also pretty easy to say he's a deranged murderer when he warned someone reportedly that had a weapon not to reach for anything they might have hidden and they do it again. Seems decently cut and dry to me.
well i mean yeah of course. his actions prior to the police showing up were stupid. though you have to consider the fact that he was obviously not sober and extremely distressed, disoriented, and confused by what was going on due to being drunk AND having a weapon pointed at you. if he allegedly was trying to pull up his shorts (which is what it looks like) it's because that's just a normal subconscious reaction to our pants falling past our ass.

he didn't think to himself "let me allow myself to be butt naked infront of police so i don't get shot" which I dont think anyone would tbh

it's just forgeted up all around if you ask me

theres no way to justify this lol. if you really think the only way for multiple heavily armed officers to neutralize one very inebriated and disoriented individual is to shoot him 6 times while he’s laying on the ground then you must have never watched any police in action ever. bad cops, bad reaction, should face very harsh charges

hey maybe since a white guy got shot this time tho we’ll see some change🤔

< Puts hands behind back
< "If you do that again we're shooting you!"
< Still continues to not follow police mans instructions
< Still puts his hands behinds his back

I dont see a problem here.

jesus loving christ

theres no way to justify this lol.
Actually, if it looks like you are grabbing a gun when you are really "pulling up your shorts", they don't know if you are armed or not.

Actually, if it looks like you are grabbing a gun when you are really "pulling up your shorts", they don't know if you are armed or not.
Yes but in this situation they could have avoided that altogether. It should not have become a game of simon says to begin with. They could have cuffed him when he was on the ground, or tried used nonlethal means of incapacitating him.

hey maybe since a white guy got shot this time tho we’ll see some change🤔

white people get shot far more than blacks so i don't see what you're trying to say here

Actually, if it looks like you are grabbing a gun when you are really "pulling up your shorts", they don't know if you are armed or not.

so we have to yell at him the entire time like its some kind of bootcamp mindbreak session and incoherantly order him around untill hes in tears TRYING to pathetically crawl towards us so that we can shoot him when he tries to keep his pants up and keep any shred of dignity he has before he gets killed by two forgetstick power complex skinheads

white people get shot far more than blacks so i don't see what you're trying to say here
except black people get shot because they're black

nonlethal means of incapacitating him.
oh like i dont know
tazing him
prepper spraying him

« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 06:07:15 PM by Red Spy »

It should not have become a game of simon says to begin with.
Simon says don't put your hands there or I'll shoot your richard off.

Options to disarm a hostile without murdering them:
taser (that's what they're for! :o)
one shot in the leg instead of five in the head and neck
and that bullet meant for his leg can:
  • hit the femoral artery and kill him anyways
  • ricochet and hit another bystander
  • go through the floor and hit someone downstairs(assuming they're not on ground floor
  • simply miss
the reason officers don't shoot legs or arms is because they're extremely small targets than in tense situations are hard to hit, so they usually target the biggest piece: center mass
it seems the police are taught to do a set of things very specifically. they reach for their waist? shoot them.
he obviously knew his hand was empty but in the heat of the moment i think he acted on what instincts the police academy put forth.
shaver reached around his waistband, and armed or not, still appears that he's reaching for a gun. you won't know any better and neither will the most well-trained officer.
when someone's job could mean that they're getting shot in the head every time they go on shift, they're not going to be nice to people they think have a lethal weapon, which this officer had very good reason to believe so.
this officer disarmed a man, only to be shot in the back of the head by a second gun.
this officer was shot and killed while on a traffic stop. happens very fast
guy gets out of truck and throws a whole ass rifle at the officer
guy draws handgun on cop and hits him 4 times, once in the neck

when your everyday job could end with your head wide open at any moment in the fraction of a second, you're not going to trust people you've got your gun pointed at, especially if they've been seen with a gun pointed out of a window and they reach around their waistband

  • go through the floor and hit someone downstairs(assuming they're not on ground floor

this is some mario level stuff right here

< tfw the police could of easily moved in and cuffed him