Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16639 times)

This video makes me wish all police officers were dead

the cop was certainly trying his best to act like a hardass tho. if their aim was to avoid the room in case there was another person in there (first of all they couldve used the adjacent room lol) and couldn't just go up to him and restrain them, they could've at least been 10 times less purposefully terrifying
i'd say he's being stern as forget so that the guy would realize the severity of the situation and really didn't want to shoot the guy. unfortunately it seems to have not worked

I hope the police officer is charged with murder, because that's exactly what this was. That cop was bloodthirsty.

The main point there was five successful shots, not where they hit. Besides, someone who's lighting up a hallway and hitting someone five times in the head/neck is obviously not concerned about anyone's safety. It takes one shot to have a way lower chance of killing the damn person.
you don't think he was concerned for his own or fellow officers' safety? if someone presents a threat to you, whether or not it is intentional or genuine, you're going to feel endangered and take action to get out of danger. the officer neutralized a threat he felt was real, and looked very real. people have sustained multiple shots and killed several people. shaver was not intent on killing, obviously, but if he had been and the officer only shoots once, the guy very well could have taken lives

this is some mario level stuff right here

There are better ways to deal with a situation like this than to order people to crawl toward you and threaten to kill them if they don't comply immediately and perfectly. You could have one or two guys keep their guns* pointed at the suspects to be able to react quickly while another checks the corners up ahead and establishes a perimeter so they can cuff the two (which is what you can see these HRT trainees doing here, specifically the one guy who stands watching the hostages on the couch at roughly 4:27 while his buddies clear the corner). Don't have enough firepower to feel safe doing that? Wait for backup, it's not rocket science.
There's multiple guys watching this poor dude crawl down the hall. Non-lethal force is a viable option as a first response since he's not a hard target to hit with a taser while crawling around on the floor.

The main issue in this situation isn't that it's legal to do this, it's that it's both morally wrong and unprofessional, the same way you could blame SWAT for that time they flashbanged a baby. If you are going to be dealing with situations like this, you need to ensure the people you send have the proper training to know what the hell to do. Like I said earlier, it is very obvious that these cops were not properly trained to handle this situation. However, if somebody takes heat for this, I genuinely hope it lands on whoever trained and certified these guys rather than the cops themselves.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 09:58:05 PM by AutoBahn »

why are we arguing about something that happened almost two years ago again


you don't think he was concerned for his own or fellow officers' safety? if someone presents a threat to you, whether or not it is intentional or genuine, you're going to feel endangered and take action to get out of danger. the officer neutralized a threat he felt was real, and looked very real. people have sustained multiple shots and killed several people. shaver was not intent on killing, obviously, but if he had been and the officer only shoots once, the guy very well could have taken lives
I've been thinking about this and lemme just ask, can we at least agree there was negligence here? That this could've gone totally smoothly had the officer acted different? The man was completely disarmed and laying on the ground with his hands on his head. They 100% could have walked over and cuffed him, frisked him, whatever. Instead he kept yelling at him to crawl (wtf?) and warning him he was going to shoot and kill him if he didn't comply

Even before that, the report they got was presumably "rifle spotted in a hotel room." why didn't they walk up to the door and ask "do you have a rifle in the room? what reason do you have to be keeping a rifle in your room? do you have a license? does the hotel know you're keeping this here?" Y'know, the kinda stuff you'd ask instead of yelling at the guy to shut up and "the time for diplomacy is over" while he's trying to explain.

ya i mean doesn't everyone have guns in texas lmao

no, but have you ever had a job that puts you at risk constantly and had to fear that you'll never see your friends or family again simply because you're doing your job?
him being drunk does not excuse his from disobeying a clear order, nor would it have excused any behavior from anyone.
again, it is unfortunate and tragic that an innocent man had to die, but this is no case of "hey i'm gonna go out and kill a man today lol"

You seriously don't understand what alcohol intoxication does to the conscious mind.
I never thought I'd see the day a mall ninja managed to get their dream job. I take everything back about this guy being innocent - he's a total idiot and never should have been handed a rifle to begin with.

other than that though this pretty much confirms my point that they didn't really know what they were doing and probably should have been better trained to deal with the situation

Can't believe the cops involved with this got away scot-free. They should be summarily executed the same way they did to this poor guy in the video.


oh god stgggs