Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16544 times)

Nice gun (Was the cops)

he was actually fired because of that iirc.
unprofessional as stuff customization
(i do like the engraving on the bolt tho)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 11:52:13 PM by Ragequit »

you tell me what a rifle pointed out of the window of a hotel looks like 2 months after the deadliest mass shooting in american history, or even a rifle pointed out of a hotel window at all. you'd probably think something along the lines of "this guy's up to some bad stuff" right?
I'd probably consider how it's legal in Texas to take a rifle with you and go find out what the deal is instead of screaming about how I was going to kill him if he moved

Whatever. As long as we can agree there was negligence on the officer's part.

based off the picture above it wasn’t even negligence. human garbage that wanted to kill someone. dude even said in court that he would do everything the exact same way again if in the same situation

based off the picture above it wasn’t even negligence. human garbage that wanted to kill someone. dude even said in court that he would do everything the exact same way again if in the same situation
sauce? if he seriously said that then yeah, forget him.
it’s cited in like every article about it, just grabbed the first link that came up
it’s cited in like every article about it, just grabbed the first link that came up
not only that but he was married with two children, and his wife was pregnant with a third

I'd probably consider how it's legal in Texas to take a rifle with you and go find out what the deal is instead of screaming about how I was going to kill him if he moved
so if you got called out to deal with a guy who was reported as pointing his rifle out of the window of a hotel, you wouldn't be at all cautious that he might be doing that with malicious intent?

of course i would. i'd knock on his door. "police, open up." in this case, he would open the door and respond to questions/comply with instructions. if there was actually anything out of the ordinary, i'd put my hand on my gun. if there were any indication of him being a threat, i'd take the gun out of the holster and tell him to put his hands on his head and face to the wall/ground and frisk and cuff him while the place can be searched. then more questions, etc. etc.

screaming "IF YOU MOVE I WILL SHOOT YOU AND YOU WILL DIE" is not caution, it's wanting to flopping your power richard around.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 01:13:18 AM by Nonnel »

of course i would. i'd knock on his door. "police, open up." in this case, he would open the door and respond to questions/comply with instructions. if there was actually anything out of the ordinary, i'd put my hand on my gun. if there were any indication of him being a threat, i'd take the gun out of the holster and tell him to put his hands on his head and face to the wall/ground and frisk and cuff him while the place can be searched. then more questions, etc. etc.

screaming "IF YOU MOVE I WILL SHOOT YOU AND YOU WILL DIE" is not caution, it's wanting to flopping your power richard around.
Yeah but thats not as tacticool as telling the hotel to call them out then shooting someone

I mean, this cop definitely seems trigger happy, but I'm not convinced that the outcome would have been significantly different if you swapped this guy with another average police officer. The way that we train them is to treat everything as an immediately lethal threat, and that has the unintended consequence of resulting in the deaths of unarmed, innocent people.

We should look at changing their training and our laws about use-of-force, and then it'll be easier to identify and prosecute officers who cause the fatal shootings of unarmed civilians. Or maybe it just won't happen anymore and everyone can be happy.

Can't believe the cops involved with this got away scot-free. They should be summarily executed the same way they did to this poor guy in the video.

are you drunk or something

forget me i havent even seen your posts for like a year or two now and i can tell absolutely nothing has changed

i want you to get drunk, and then have two officers SCREAM at you to do head shoulders knees and toes while pointing a gun at you telling you they're going to shoot you if you forget up

and then crawl over to them by order with your pants falling down and act collected
If theyll shoot me theyll do me a favor anyways

Ive been in a life and death situation before when I was younger, wich id rather not talk about, and yes I did panic. But I also just did what the forget they told me to and im still here. Ofcourse its not the same but it comes down to it
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 03:57:40 AM by espio100 »

Ive been in a live amd death situation before when I was younger, wich id rather not talk about, and yes I did panic. But I also just did what the forget they told me to and im still here. Ofcourse its not the same but it comes down to it

did your parents tell you to take a shower