Author Topic: Police Shoot and Kill an Unarmed Daniel Shaver  (Read 16636 times)

Are you not like understanding the concept of concealed weapons or something?
I understand concealed weapons, but the thing is he didn't have a loving weapon, just because he could've doesn't mean it's ok he got shot.

They had plenty of time to go up to him and cuff him, many times actually, from what I've heard there were at least 3-5 officers there (possibly more) and if you really want to say "they make split second decisions" or stuff like that, shouldn't they be somewhere else instead of responding to possible deadly threats?

but the thing is he didn't have a loving weapon, just because he could've doesn't mean it's ok he got shot.

They don't loving know this and they can't take that risk. That's why they are telling him not to make sudden movements with his hands.

who cares if he had a weapon? it's in the past, at that point you couldn't tell if there was a concealed weapon (because it's concealed)

See it's not that simple, if he did have a gun it would probably be clear he did and the officers would be able to react in time, if not why the forget are they sent out for a situation like this?

And the man had no gun, but because he could've had a gun it was fine, right?
when a person's job means that the slightest mistake in the fraction of a second means they'll never see their family or friends ever again because they had second thoughts and it resulted in them slumped against a wall with a hole in their head, they are going to take everything that looks like a real threat as such.

They had plenty of time to go up to him and cuff him, many times actually, from what I've heard there were at least 3-5 officers there (possibly more) and if you really want to say "they make split second decisions" or stuff like that, shouldn't they be somewhere else instead of responding to possible deadly threats?
they needed to clear the room he was in, so they had him come to them (in a strange fashion, sure, but nothing outrageously complex)
also, it appeared to be a deadly threat since someone called the police reporting that someone was pointing a rifle out of the window.

They don't loving know this and they can't take that risk.
Please read my post.

They had many chances to cuff him and search him, throughout the whole video.

If they don't want to take the risk to see if he has a gun, then actually check he has a gun after cuffing him then, that way he can't pull his gun out and shoot you.

Please read my post.

They had many chances to cuff him and search him, throughout the whole video.

If they don't want to take the risk to see if he has a gun, then actually check he has a gun after cuffing him then, that way he can't pull his gun out and shoot you.
they needed to clear the room he was in, so they had him come to them

they still needed to clear his room, because they didn't know if there were more people in there that could pose a threat to them. again, remember that they were called in on a person pointing a rifle out of a hotel room.

>We are living in a world after a post vegas hotel massacre on a concert

>The people/media is demanding more security especially for hotel rooms.

>Police are told a guy is pointing a gun out of a hotel room.

>Police rush as fast as possible to prevent another massacre.

>Police kill the guy for reaching at his waistband whom allegedly may have had a gun.

>Everyone is mad at police again

they still needed to clear his room, because they didn't know if there were more people in there that could pose a threat to them. again, remember that they were called in on a person pointing a rifle out of a hotel room.
The police clearly went in unprepared then, they could've had a few extra officers, maybe a few going in different ways, but they didn't and they sent in the officers that were there, who still could've cleared to room whilst the man was being cuffed.

Just because they didn't know, doesn't mean they can't attempt to find out.

Also tony the man put his hand down, then the police shot around a second after, is that really him pulling a gun?

Your logic seems to be always flawed, you like to always say "well people said this but then they complain about it... wtf world!?!?"

Again, they had many chances to attempt to clear the room, cuff the man, search him and all that, but they painstakingly tell him to do specific things, and because he didn't comply they shot him.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 01:19:35 PM by Snaked_Snake »

The police clearly went in unprepared then, they could've had a few extra officers, maybe a few going in different ways, but they didn't and they sent in the officers that were there, who still could've cleared to room whilst the man was being cuffed.

Just because they didn't know, doesn't mean they can't attempt to find out.
they were trying to find out and everything was going swell until shaver reached for his pants. the mistake is on shaver, not the officers.

Just because they didn't know, doesn't mean they can't attempt to find out.

So should the police wait and see if a man is pulling out a gun from his pants before they shoot?

So should the police wait before or after they see a gun pulled out?

I was talking about the room, they could've found out if the room was clear and also cuffed the man.

That’s not strawman and no, they couldn’t. Are they just going to walk over a guy they still don’t know if he’s actually armed or not?