Author Topic: stocking memories  (Read 3832 times)

Normally I wouldn't say this but... I miss the stocking days of posting. The forums have become so dull with mediocre trolls like corderlain and officerzach. all the half ass mild trolling makes me long for the times when all the threads were on fire with juicy controversy

please join hands as we reminisce about stocking... may she swiftly buy another account and bless us all with eternal joy

Corderlain is a moron not a troll

afaik she's not bos

tbh she is the best troll

afaik she's not bos

tbh she is the best troll
she was way more bad-tempered than tony

i remember when there was just actual weird stuff and drama on these forums

but now every thread is just everyone circle jerking over how muslims are bad or people saying white people are cancer

i wish i could go back to pre politics internet

Can somebody post some of her best moments?, I want to see what makes her so great.

stocking legit gave no forgets and for that i will always admire her

Oh man
Does anyone remember the time when Tony and Stocking would go at each-other for days on end?

i remember when there was just actual weird stuff and drama on these forums

but now every thread is just everyone circle jerking over how muslims are bad or people saying white people are cancer

i wish i could go back to pre politics internet
there are like 4 users that ruin it for everyone else: corderlain, ultimax, leasuresuit and master matthew

Oh man
Does anyone remember the time when Tony and Stocking would go at each-other for days on end?

yes it was amazing