Author Topic: Post real life pictures of your pets.  (Read 2875 times)

Title pretty much says it all. You don’t have to specify anything
except the name. Please include the name of your pet.

Cosmo: he is very sleep

Nova: she is very picturesque
« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 07:44:43 PM by Gamefandan »

awwww cosmo is cute af



and my cat shadow:

Can’t tell if Shadow is yawning or MEOWING loudly. Super funny, regardless.

Pixel looks sooo comfy


Cute boi just wants to snuggle

omg I love the kitties. Pixel looks like a sweet doggo too but all these cats are really cute.

This is Caboose, I've raised him since he was really little. when I come home from college he cries for me to pick him up, and follows me around the house like he's my little bro.

starscream, starfish extraordinaire, stuffbag supreme:

orlando, the one who adopted us, enjoying the gift of sight now that we got him eye surgery:

chang, grumpybutt, the saggy old man:

that is a VERY handsome pet rock. Just look at those chiseled features.

that is a VERY handsome pet rock. Just look at those chiseled features.

what do you take me for!? Mod Man!?

Please include the names of your pets :(

what do you take me for!? Mod Man!?
okay but forreal tho like dude has an actual pet rock lol what a friend