Author Topic: Weird/Interesting/Funny dreams you guys have had?  (Read 4641 times)

I JUST REMEMBERED SOMETHING One strange ass dream one time was I was on discord then went outside and ran down this mountain and it was hella vivid so I got in this truck with a dude that I felt I knew before but never have seen him IRL and asked him what reality is and he said we think we know but we don't know the half of it then he said we were going to another plane so I said okay then he flipped a switch while we drove and there was just white like copius ammounts of white for hours on end I knew I was dreaming the entire time. then I woke up and went back to sleep and transfered into the graveyard dream.

But they were tied since in the Graveyard dream I saw a newspaper that said (NAME THAT I FORGOT) and my real name discover 57th plane I also kept forcefully waking myself up to avoid the graveyard dream but it kept appearing so I just said forget it and went with it.

The same newspaper showed up in allot of my dreams afterwards.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2017, 06:05:51 PM by TheBlokoMan »

This is kind of a diversion from the topic but my brother just today found out that the multivitamins he's been taking before he goes to bed have been giving him lucid and/or intense dreams very consistently. If you guys want some extra dreams (and some good health benefits) take some multivitamins and run away from the gray man.

I keep having recurring dreams of familial death, mainly my great grandmother. Not sure why.

This is kind of a diversion from the topic but my brother just today found out that the multivitamins he's been taking before he goes to bed have been giving him lucid and/or intense dreams very consistently. If you guys want some extra dreams (and some good health benefits) take some multivitamins and run away from the gray man.

Ever since I stopped taking multivitamins I stopped becoming lucid over time.


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when i was around 5-8, i had a recurring nightmare involving having the tv off. for whatever reason, i thought the tv got mad at me for turning it off and would then try to suck me into it.
during those years, i absolutely insisted on never having any kinds of monitor or tv in my bedroom.
near the end of the recurring nightmares, i found a way to get out of them at any point by simply blinking fastly, this almost always woke me up from the dream.

please don't bump unless you have something to add to the thread.

i thought the tv got mad at me for turning it off and would then try to suck me into it.

I had this wonderful dream that swifthyena didn't exist anymore

I had this wonderful dream that vledmor didn't exist anymore
too bad it was all just a dream

i was sitting in the grass one fine day...

...someone ran up and chopped my head off

I once had a dream that I was flying on a giant airplane while it was still being constructed midair during flight

the plane was massive though, more like a floating sky fortress really

remember that one time sp0ngeb0b accidentally took his dads meds and started tripping balls

remember that one time sp0ngeb0b accidentally took his dads meds and started tripping balls

bump. just had another stupid dream.
all i remember was me walking around in a JCPenney? and trying on these weird furry glove things. not sure what else happened next.