Author Topic: Net neutrality shenanigins are happening.  (Read 39451 times)

Well, it has been a good ride with you my fellow blocky friends. If NN stays then this goodbye will be empty, but if NN is removed then this is a legit goodbye. 2016-7 were rough years.
jesus christ net neutrality's repeal doesnt mean the internet is destroyed

Well, it has been a good ride with you my fellow blocky friends. If NN stays then this goodbye will be empty, but if NN is removed then this is a legit goodbye. 2016-7 were rough years.

who are you again

my largest concern about nn being repealed is the fact that there's literally no reason that ajit pai would do this unless he's being paid off by comcast or some other isp

Yeah no congress isn't going to allow this guys.

congress doesn't have a say in this

congress doesn't have a say in this
they can pass a law saying the FCC can't repeal net neutrality

they can pass a law saying the FCC can't repeal net neutrality
in 60 days? if we're lucky they might pass something beneficial before the reelection

thats only 13 times thats not that many

"Ackshully, multiple incidents across a wide time range isn't sufficient, checkmate liberals"

they can pass a law saying the FCC can't repeal net neutrality

The House and Senate repeal of an FCC rule barring ISPs from sharing data on customers' activities back in March. If a net neutrality bill ever came to a vote it certainly wouldn't pass

in 60 days? if we're lucky they might pass something beneficial before the reelection
i mean i personally think this is likely considering the large majority of republican senators supported the FCC in repealing it as far as i know, but i would 100% welcome being shown wrong on that one

they can pass a law saying the FCC can't repeal net neutrality

yeah try getting it to pass in a congress which is led by republicans in the house and senate.

my largest concern about nn being repealed is the fact that there's literally no reason that ajit pai would do this unless he's being paid off by comcast or some other isp

not all conservatives hate neutrality in the house/senate hillkill