Author Topic: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion [Spoilers]  (Read 8419 times)

the people that hate star wars the most are star wars fans. they want to die, but can't stop watching, like can we just enjoy stuff,

d o n t  k i l l  m e ,  O P

My heart is broken. This movie was just. Bad.

seeing it again made me notice some stuff
-ren has an existential crCIA in the elevator only to destroy one of the two things that made him cool
-the casino scene is one of the most pointless things in the movie
-i don't think the writers had any sense of direction when writing dr sattler's character because she went >new leader>suspicious leader>possible villain>sacrificial leader all within the span of like 20 minutes. figure your stuff out
-snoke dies like a pusillanimous individual
-phasma dies like a pusillanimous individual
-since when can force ghosts cause lightning strikes
-first order canons are magically only hitting the pods with no important people in them
-big megaweapon gun can punch through probably two hundred feet of metal like nothing but can't go any farther then that
-the only reason the red sand was there was to make the scene look less like a hoth 2.0
-asian chick nearly dies in the crash but finn is completely fine
-even though ren literally blew anakins lightsaber in half he sees luke with it and doesn't think anythings up
-i might've been tripping balls but am i the only one that saw the broom float into the kids hand
« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 01:41:55 AM by Red Spy »

I might've been tripping balls but am i the only one that saw the broom float into the kids hand

I mean. That was kind of the point?

also why do little loving 7 year olds kids know what the resistance is

it'd make sense if they weren't orphans. oppressed parents talking about hardships and "if only the resistance were still around"

-ren has an existential crCIA in the elevator only to destroy one of the two things that made him cool
Kylo Ren was never cool.

Him destroying the mask is a symbol of his character growth. He's growing out of his wannabe-phase, where he's stuck pretending like he's some Vader clone. Snoke's manipulation has convinced him to stop playing like a child and to actually take charge and become a Sith Lord.

-the casino scene is one of the most pointless things in the movie
Agreed. It was a contrived way of separating Finn and getting him to meet the kids for one of the movie's core themes.

-i don't think the writers had any sense of direction when writing dr sattler's character because she went >new leader>suspicious leader>possible villain>sacrificial leader all within the span of like 20 minutes. figure your stuff out
Laura Dern's character, Admiral Holdo, is there to serve the point of doing things for the greater good. Her character's path is essentially to demonstrate that even well experienced leaders with the best intentions can execute horrifically bad plans, but what makes them leaders is their ability to take responsibility and make sacrifices when the time comes, not before.

She's mainly a mirror for Poe Dameron, the reckless flyboy who routinely goes on Self Delete-missions and throws away countless redshirt lives just to have a moment in the sun. The point is that his sacrifices are ultimately worthless, while the correct, well-thought out one turns in results.

-snoke dies like a pusillanimous individual
Snoke suffered the same fate as The Emperor and all the Sith before him. His hubris, born of overconfidence in the Jedi's dependency on morality and others. He died as any should have died, learning a painful lesson on not to mess with people smarter than you are.

-phasma dies like a pusillanimous individual
I have no idea why the writers hate Phasma so much.

-since when can force ghosts cause lightning strikes
The Force, as said by Luke in the film, is the energy present all across the universe. It connects everybody and everything. Force Ghosts are no less or more powerful than ordinary Jedi; they've simply concentrated their connection to the Force to allow themselves to separate from their mortal bonds and live within the energy space.

The real question is, "How did Luke master the art of Force Lightning without a real teacher?"

-first order canons are magically only hitting the pods with no important people in them
I mean, it'd be a bit silly if our heroes were eviscerated and they had to write in a whole new selection of characters.

I'd like to think Leia's shuttle was closer to the centre, protected by outer-flanks which were being picked off by the First Order.

-big megaweapon gun can punch through probably two hundred feet of metal like nothing but can't go any farther then that
Typical issue of sci-fi writers.

-the only reason the red sand was there was to make the scene look less like a hoth 2.0
The white on red was mainly a point to be made about the futility of war, the blood spilt in the First Order's conquest and the hopelessness of such a suicidal attack.

-asian chick nearly dies in the crash but finn is completely fine
Finn might have been the Janitor, but he's still ex-military and he's already proven his resilience in most scenarios. Rose was an orphan-turned mechanic. She had no combat experience, and that poor little frail thing could in no way handle that kind of impact. Besides, she was in a head-on, while he was in a side-on/t-bone. She would have been dealt greater damage.

-even though ren literally blew anakins lightsaber in half he sees luke with it and doesn't think anythings up
Lightsabers aren't difficult to acquire for Jedi or Sith. They're made of standard materials, except for a special crystal (which both the Sith and Jedi know where to acquire). I'm sure everybody not in the know would have expected the almighty but reclusive Jedi Master to have either kept his saber (the Green one from RotJ) or to have crafted a new one.

Besides, Kylo Ren is a bit preoccupied with trying to kill the forgeter.

-i might've been tripping balls but am i the only one that saw the broom float into the kids hand
Intentional. The movie's biggest message is that you don't need to be special to do special things. That kid is just some orphan in the middle of bumforget nowhere, and yet has the capability to achieve greatness.

also why do little loving 7 year olds kids know what the resistance is
Because, as the story points out, everybody needs hope. Legends are told. Stories are shared. Kids learn of these bed-time stories, believing in them, just as you once believed in Santa or whatever. In the darkest of places, anybody will take any shred of light they can cling to. These kids learned of the Rebellion, and now they believe they'll come to save them. One day.

did anyone else think both sides seemed really small and obscure? like it was 30 resistance fighters vs maybe 200 order troops fighting for control of the galaxy? they didnt really have any shots showing the size or power of the order. maybe they wanted it that way idk

tbh to me it seems like the main audience for the film is people who don’t know or care about the established background for Star Wars (i.e just there to see something interesting happen onscreen). I’ve heard a lot that says the films are mainly pointed for viewers abroad(read: china) because of the money they can get out of it. Not saying the film is bad (I think it’s mediocre, albeit better than 7 and Rogue One, and certainly more interesting than the Prequels), just that I think Star Wars fans aren’t actually the target for these movies, unfortunately.

the cast doesn't seem to think it was the best, either

honestly I don't know why people hated the porgs, I understand they're kind of like minions or the lemmings from norm of the north but the way they play off of chewbacca is what makes them great

i sure loved going to school today and yesterday, when there were a couple of these loving starfish kids yelling (spoilers: highlight text to read) "LUKE DIES" and "SNOKE DIES". glad i watched this movie when i did, smh.
honestly I don't know why people hated the porgs, I understand they're kind of like minions or the lemmings from norm of the north but the way they play off of chewbacca is what makes them great
same, i was totally fine with them. i actually had a good chuckle in the scenes with them, they're definitely wayy better than minions lol
« Last Edit: December 19, 2017, 04:57:03 PM by Mr Queeba »

-even though ren literally blew anakins lightsaber in half he sees luke with it and doesn't think anythings up
kylo ren: hold on luke let's stop fighting for a second so you can explain to me how you are using a lightsaber

Porgs weren't a Hyde problem. There was a bit too many scenes with them but at least they aren't gungans