Author Topic: ana is tracking server locations on google maps now  (Read 21055 times)

Jesus christ this handicapped ARG is getting seriously obnoxious now

so mapping peoples locations isnt creepy?
It's a mapping of a very loosely approximate location that's purely based on your IP. The cases where it's anywhere close to your actual street is pure coincidence due to the way ISPs assign an ip's "location." It's often off by an entire city, and sometimes even entire states. It's no different than the country flags addon where you're given a flag based on your GeoIP location.

are you for loving real right now
can you explain what you're so surprised of instead of asking a rhetorical question

can you explain what you're so surprised of instead of asking a rhetorical question
how is this supposed to be helping anyone, am i or anybody else just supposed to be "ok" with this even if that info is easy to obtain
its a violation of our privacy, i don't think i really want anyone here knowing the exact town i live in after the stuff that happened back in april

is it really an invasion of privacy if it's easily obtainable public information that's not even 100% accurate?

Your IP is public information that anyone who joins your server literally has to know to be able to join in the first place.
GeoIP databases are also public information.
What's happening here is not "creepy" or "unusual," it's just an application of two widely known, very public pieces of information.

The difference is now it's archived that any 5 year old can have access to, when normally they wouldn't know how to do it.

how is this supposed to be helping anyone, am i or anybody else just supposed to be "ok" with this even if that info is easy to obtain
its a violation of our privacy, i don't think i really want anyone here knowing the exact town i live in after the stuff that happened back in april
If you're that upset over GeoIP, go talk to your ISP and the GeoIP companies. They're the ones that are "violating your privacy" by allowing anyone on the internet to access this information and go talk to badspot about revoking people who use GeoIP databases. See what kind of response you get from him.

It's a mapping of a very loosely approximate location that's purely based on your IP. The cases where it's anywhere close to your actual street is pure coincidence due to the way ISPs assign an ip's "location." It's often off by an entire city, and sometimes even entire states. It's no different than the country flags addon where you're given a flag based on your GeoIP location.
But what about people who don't want these approximations? Fair enough that this is information you get when joining a server, but having a map created by some bot with unknown capabilities run by Zapk that almost pinpoints out locations without a person's say so is not something we can just let slide at this point

You're basically signing an agreement form when you start a server that you're putting yours and others IPs out there, but this is just unsolicited, and is again, run by someone who could do who-knows-what with this information

If you're that upset over GeoIP, go talk to your ISP and the GeoIP companies. They're the ones that are "violating your privacy" by allowing anyone on the internet to access this information
No? I'm pretty sure it's the guy with the automated bot that's abusing that power to get that information that is violating our privacy...

jesus christ whoever made ana is really into this stuff

jesus christ whoever made ana is really into this stuff

this is actually really cool to be honest

But what about people who don't want these approximations?
You don't run or join a server, full stop. That's the literal only way to prevent this. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news here but this information truly is in the public domain. If you access it you're merely making use of a service that others have provided and made extraordinarily easy and user-friendly to use. Any five year old can figure it out because if you google "location from IP" you get hundreds of easy-to-follow tutorials on the matter. If you have qualms with this the only way to stop it is to get your ISP to change your GeoIP location, and I don't even know if that's possible.

Also, I'd like to reiterate that until you actually say where you're located, nobody can ever know if your GeoIP location is off by 5 miles or 1000 miles. There's no way to tell how accurate it is until you say how accurate it is, which would be violating your own privacy. It's why I haven't said how accurate mine is, for example (saying it's way far off makes it sound suspicious, too.)

You're basically signing an agreement form when you start a server that you're putting yours and others IPs out there
This is exactly what you're doing, yes. By hosting a server you are broadcasting your IP to the entire internet, out for anyone to see. By visiting a website you're broadcasting your IP to that website (and oh boy don't get me started on what websites do with GeoIP information), etc etc. And like I said, GeoIP isn't really useful if what you want to do is personally creep on someone because, as said, there's no way to tell how accurate it is until you say how accurate it is.

Jesus christ this handicapped ARG is getting seriously obnoxious now

I agree, ARGs were always handicapped. Whoever's doing this stupid ana thing should keep it to the thread.

I agree, ARGs were always handicapped. Whoever's doing this stupid ana thing should keep it to the thread.
There’s pretty strong suspicion that its zapk so handicapation is par for the course

i've yet to see any valid evidence that it's actually zapk

lol my ip location is a whole state away. good luck finding me