Author Topic: PUBG  (Read 8846 times)

my friends keep wanting to drop in places where everyone and their mother drops and i think its so boring
i dont play pubg anymore at all just to avoid playing with them because i dont want to be pulled into 30 minutes of matches where i run around del toro mansion without a weapon like im a lost child in some stuffty CoD clone (not calling pubg a cod clone but del toro mansion definitely feels like it)

that helped. still bad at the game tho. I've probably played like 15 games by now and I only have 3 kills

From my experience best way to get better is to throw yourself into as many gunfights you can, doing that you’ll get better with the gun play in this game.

i got the game to run smooth but i have no idea how to git gud

i got the game to run smooth but i have no idea how to git gud

Play on Asian servers

i got the game to run smooth but i have no idea how to git gud
gitting gud takes time and practice. the biggest things to learn in pubg are recoil and enemy movement. if you can learn to control your gun and know (or at least accurately guess, having your sound high helps with this) where people are going to be you're going to win most fights.

so I played like literally all day (now up to 14 hours over two days lol), and I'm doing better. I really like this damn game. the guns and their sounds are pretty satisfying which is great. still not sure what guns are good. but I can tell you I'm not a fan of the tommy gun or the uzi

but I can tell you I'm not a fan of the tommy gun or the uzi
they're decent CQC weapons, but i wouldn't use any SMG for med-long range, especially those since they can't take sights