Author Topic: Default Weapons Expanded - new implements  (Read 4756 times)


    New spins on default weapons now available! Click the title of each weapon to download.

    Double Gun
    A double-barreled default gun!

    Recoilless Rifle
    A rocket launcher that fires weaker tank shells.

    Dual Weapons
    Fire each weapon individually using mouse1 and mouse2!

    Dual Guns
    Two guns simultaneously. Not to be confused with Guns Akimbo. (Reupload)

    Gun with Rocket Launcher
    A gun and rocket launcher.

    Spear with Bow
    Also in Classic Brown
    A spear in one hand, bow in another.

    Also, check out the Autoscatter for another default-styled weapon.

    Update 12/22:
    • Fixed weapons pointing at ground.
    • Nerfed Recoilless Rifle.
    • Added Spear with Bow Classic.
    « Last Edit: December 22, 2017, 01:15:36 PM by Gumba Jonny »

    Good stuff. Always love when weapons feel like they could be default.

    If I might add some critiques, though...

    The Recoilless Rifle feels a bit too OP. I get that that's kind of the point. But the fire rate seems a bit too fast. No weapon would stand a chance against it (except itself of course, lol). Either way, quite fun to use.

    Both the Dual Guns and the Gun with Rocket Launcher point both weapons toward the ground when a gun is fired in either hand. This of course changes the position of the muzzle on either weapon, causing bullets and rockets to fire from the player's feet. This makes firing rather awkward for anyone used to the standard weapons.

    The Spear with Bow handles great. Personally, though, I'd prefer they be the default colors. Just my preference, though.

    Overall, great add-ons. Definitely going to try to find an excuse to use these.

    Also, why no post these on Blockland Glass?

    holy forget dude this is cool

    is it possible to fire the bow and spear individually
    aka be able to fire the bow while keeping the spear charged

    >firing a bow with one hand
    this really is the future

    this is so good i think you can make a blockland action movie with this

    Updated thread. Thanks to Platypi for pointing out things I thought I fixed.

    is it possible to fire the bow and spear individually
    aka be able to fire the bow while keeping the spear charged
    Of course; that's the entire point of this existing in the first place.

    holy stuff, this is amazing

    Have you possibly thought about doing a sword and something else? Or maybe dual swords? That would be pretty neat.

    Have you possibly thought about doing a sword and something else? Or maybe dual swords? That would be pretty neat.

    sword and shield

    is there an add-on for that

    sword and shield
    Automatically equips the brick placer model as a shield when you equip the sword. Also comes with a riot shield.

    Have you possibly thought about doing a sword and something else? Or maybe dual swords? That would be pretty neat.
    I'll probably do something for this next.

    sword and shield

    is there an add-on for that
    There is actually but what I was talking about was like, a sword and gun or a sword and bow, any of the default weapons combined with a sword, really.