Author Topic: How to show pictures on Forums  (Read 1041 times)

"Hey, isn't this the guy that who made those stuffty faces?"

OK, so you know how in comments on topics people have pictures on their comments? How do you do that? I know there's an option for it while making a comment but I don't know how to do it. Like I pull up a link on imgur, and it doesn't work. What am I supposed to do?

get direct link to image, in which case i'll be using this image to test:
put link between image tags: [img][/img]
it should show up as:

to specify height/width (both are optional)
[img width=200 height=250][/img]
shows up as:

OK, I did what you did and I got nothing as you can see.

note the lack of .png or .jpg or any image extension at the end of your link
it's not a direct link to the image
going to brings me to a web page that is not just a single image
right clicking the main image on the page, I can see the source of it is
that's the direct link, and if I put it in image tags..